The Power of a God

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Note: this might be one of the shortest chapters. It's short but sweet. (Hopefully)

As Red laid on the floor in a motionless phase, the muscles in his body had rested after the last few shocks of spasms, his heart had given out and his stomach wide open, he lay there dead. The last Dragon Pony to walk had been killed. Celestia had no respect towards the fresh corpse and kicked it harshly in the side. She then looked to Gold Star with a devilish smirk.
"Well, that was a bit of a show, i hope you enjoyed seeing your miserable fiancés life drain away in front of you. I sure did, it reminds me of the time I killed your mother, the look on her face as i made her choke on her own blood." She sighed contently remembering that moment. "Besides he was only using you to get to me." She tried to manipulate Gold Star into joining her. "You know he was, he never loved you and never wanted to be with you and yet you let your weak heart fall for him." She teased and smirked devilishly.

Gold Star growled to herself, she wanted to kill Celestia, she had mocked her for too long, she wanted to kill her badly. A surge of energy entered the downed Princess, this magic turned her fur as dark as the night sky her red hair flew into a frenzy and her eyes became a purple mist. Golden armour spawned upon the mare as she floated up, awakening her true potential. The magic that Celestia had placed upon her had been broken and Gold stood before Celestia. She then used her magic to blast Daybreaker into the wall and snarled.
"This ends here." She yelled and her voice was in a darker tone, Daybreaker stood up and walked out of the wall with relative ease.
"Fool. You think you can kill a Goddess? You are but a mere weakling, but i will take pleasure in killing you and your friends. There is only room for one true leader. And that is me." She barked at the newly formed Gold Star and cackled. "And you will fall just like your mother." She growled and charged a beam of magic and shot at Gold.

Shadow Realm
Location: Tables of Fate.

Red had woken up from what seemed like a small electric shock upon his body, waking up to see nothing he growled and searched around the well lit floor, the area around him was dark and smelt of flowers. Then he heard a noise, they sounded like claws scraping on the ground, soon two giant beings bent down to him and they spoke.
"Red Arrow." They boomed, their voices were low one of them came into the light, it had long grey hair, large sharp claws and a mask with tears streaking down it. Then the other came into view, this time it had a mask with laugh lines crossing the cheeks of the mask.

Red looked up at them with confusion and tilted his head. Never had he seen something so large, the two beings looked to be male and female. These were the Gods of the Dragon Ponies, they were the gods of strength and love, two factors that were key to Red's personality
"You have failed your path to killing Celestia." One of them yelled at him, this was the stallion also known as the God of strength.
"Don't be so harsh on him." The goddess of love looked at him. "You have done well, warrior, but your time has come I'm afraid." She then started to chant a spell and Red looked at them.
"Wait." He yelled to them. "If you grant me life I will slay Celestia, but I require immortality, will you grant me the power of immortality my lords?" He asked, the God of strength narrowed his eyes.

"Very well then, but to gain immortality you must kill Celestia, that way you will grant your immortality, but i grant you the gift of strength, and she will grant you the gift of love to take down our enemy. We believe in you." The large being boomed. "But if you do not deliver on your promise you will be pulled down to the depths of Tartarus where you shall suffer for eternity." He bellowed and soon two red hot chains attached to Red, the chains seeped into his flesh, Red screamed in agony as the chains became bound to him, just like his spear.

This was the gift of strength, the metal seeped into his bones and flesh this made sure that he was strong enough to compare with the God of strength himself, soon a green vine wrapped around him which then tightened around him, the thorns injected love into his body, this would fill him with determination.
The chains holding Red down broke off of him and he started to float up, the hole in his stomach had completely healed and Red was pushed back to life.

Canterlot Castle.
Red had woken up from what felt like a dream, his vision was hazed and soon he heard a familiar voice.
"This ends here." Daybreaker scowled and lifted Red's spear, Red then put out his claw and called the spear to him. The spear slipped out of Celestias magic and looked at Red.
"Too stubborn to die eh?" She smirked. "Good, I'll make sure to enjoy this." She cackled and brought out her magical blade, Red looked her in the eyes and growled as he gripped his spear tightly.

Celestia charged at Red, she was going full speed however Red dipped down and launched Celestia off her hooves and into the castle wall, he then threw his spear at Celestia who knocked it out of the air with her magic, she then ran at Red. Red saw this and as she got closer Red used his metallic claw and sliced Celestia's eye, blinding her there. He then started to punch and slice Celestia, fire had surrounded Red in a fury, he wanted to make her weak. Celestia then tried to use her magic but Red was quick to act and broke off Celestia's horn with ease, looking at the horn and how pointy it was he rammed it into Celestia's stomach and threw it away.

Throwing the weak being down he got on her back and took hold of the wings. He then started to rip them off, the skin breaking, bones coming out of place and spine cracking, he ripped the wings off, blood splattered over the floor and Red looked at his enemy.
"This is what you get for making me kill my family." He snarled.
"Please." She begged. "That night i was trying to make you into the perfect warrior." She wheezed and gasped for air, she was trying to back away, blood dripping from where her wings once were.

"You succeeded." Red growled coldly and called his spear back, he then drove the spear through her neck, killing her instantly, with a twist of the spear he herd her neck snap and a wave of magic entered Red the Gods final gift filled him with life and made him immortal. Running to his love he looked at her, Gold Star sat up slowly, the cuts and bruises on her healed as she used her magic, she then hugged Red and kissed him passionately. The Tyrant was dead and the war was now over, Gold had tears of joy rolling down her cheeks.

"I thought I lost you." She cried into Reds neck and Red smiled softly, he kissed her cheek. Come lets go home. He smiled and picked up his lover and draped him over his back and took her home during the sunset.

The End

Authors Note:
A big thank you to those who read my story, even if it was just one person who read through them, it was a real pleasure to write this story so you lovely peeps can read them during this trying time. So thank you for reading :3

✌︎('ω'✌︎ ) peace out

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