Phase 1 (part 2)

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After they left Twilight hanging around in that dungeon, Red's injuries were made into scars but he felt sore all over, he nuzzled Luna and Gold Star in an act of appreciation, the two giantesses smiled and laid him down on a hospital bed in Ponyville. Luna then left to go to Twilights castle so she could have it destroyed, and tell the elements about the loss of their friend. Gold Star stayed by Red's side and kissed his forehead as she sat down with him. Tears rolled down her cheeks and Red lifted a front leg and wiped them away from her cheeks. He then tried to get up.

Gold Star saw this and laid him back down.
"No, you need to rest, I don't want to see you suffer as you try to walk." She looked at him and held his leg with her hooves, even though the flesh was healed, healing bones was harder to handle, so proper medical care was needed.
"Alright, fine." Red sighed and stroked his lovers cheek. "I missed you, a lot. But i think we might need a change of plan, there has been more guards in Canterlot than there was before, so we need Ponies from all over to overpopulate Canterlot." He explained.

Gold Star nodded at this and smiled softly, she knew that this would be a way of overwhelming Canterlot so it would make it easy to get to Celestia.
"Ok, when you're healed we will need a briefing, and we will need to add onto the plan we have." She smiled and got up. "I wish there was a way to quicken this process but unfortunately there isn't." She sighed and kissed his head. "I will visit every day, don't you worry." She nodded and walked away from the bed and out of the room.

It was a couple of months since Red was in the hospital bed, eating the food that was given to him. He didn't mind the food since a warrior didn't care what they ate, the food was like the mush you would find in prison, but at least it had some form of nutrients inside. Looking back at his old life now that he thought about it, it was harsh, being underfed, it caused him to be malnourished, but this was in steps to becoming a hardened warrior, the older soldiers would make them fight to cause tension and would leave them in the woods to fend for themselves. He had read a book about the human world that he found in Twilights library and it turns out that their training was comparable to spartans back in a land called Ancient Greece.

His thoughts were cut off as a doctor walked into the room, she sat down and looked him in the eyes.
"Now, I know its been a few hard months for you, but it pays off in the end, because you are now free to leave the bed and get on with your life." She smiled as Gold Star came in, Gold helped Red off of the white hospital bed and onto the stone floor, Red had to go through a series of surgeries, his right claw had to be amputated because the damage on the bone and muscle was severe. His new appendage was made of Dragonite, he could smell it, he could move it with a magical aid that was implanted into the base of the false appendage. A new spark was also grown inside him, thanks to the help of Luna and Gold Star.

"Your new spark is the colour of purple." His lover told him as she helped him walk with the new appendage. "Do you know why?" She smiled and nuzzled him.
"Its the colour of our love." He said with a smile, it made sense, his fur was red and her's was blue, she then kissed him.
"What would you like to do now my little soldier?" She chuckled and wrapped a wing around him.
"I would like to go home, to the basement so we can finally do this plan, since that old Pony is here it should be a better deal since he knows the inns and outs of the place." He smiled as they walked home together.

Getting home the couple found Luna and the Elements were already there, down in the basement, Pinkie Pie had made cakes for everyone. Red walked down into the room and smiled as he sat down.
"Guess who's back?" He chuckled and Gold Star sat next to him with a giggle. The pink Pony set down cakes on the table and her famous Pinkie Pie punch juice, despite being called a punch it certainly had a kick of flavour. "So the plan, I take it that you have spoken to Mister Grey Scale right?" He asked Luna and she nodded.

"We have spoken to Mister Grey Scale, he has said that the castle had changed significantly since we were on the moon." She said. "There are new caverns and rooms. He said the best room to start an attack at would be the gunpowder storage. This is the best place to strike, it is next to the barracks too so it will cause a distraction." She said proudly with a smile and looked at the map on the table.
"Good, so it may take a couple of days or weeks to set up phase two which will be the distraction phase. Once the bomb goes off we will get into the castle which is where we will fight our way to Celestia, if we succeed her reign will end for good and we can restore the tranquility of Equestria, no filly, colt, stallion or mare will be living in fear, we will bring the dictatorship to the ground." Red gave the speech like a true military leader, he was determined to make things right. "No one shall suffer, we will fight for our lives, we will never surrender." He said and took a sip of his drink. "Think i should give a speech to Ponyville? Because i think that would be a good way to get others on our side." He chuckled softly and Gold Star whispered to his ear.

"It could do with a bit of improvement, I can write the speech if you want, I've had to give so many speeches to stop a war, but maybe I can help start a war." She kissed her lover.
"I think thats a great idea hun, you write and I talk? How about that?" He asked her and she nodded, since she was already a powerful speaker, but sometimes it was clear that she was very introverted at times, she didn't like crowds much.
Soon the day was over and the Ponies in the basement went home, this left Red and Gold alone, they walked upstairs and went to bed together, pressing their warm bodies together and slept till the morning.

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