You Take my Breath Away (Smut)

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As the duo walked down the corridors of Twilight Sparkles crystal tree, the giantess had wrapped her wing around Red, her wing was soft like silk and as large as a blanket, well to the small warrior it was like a blanket. The two walked out of the castle onto the dirt paths, Ponyville was much more colourful than Canterlot ever could be, Ponies and creatures alike roamed the dirt roads. Stands and shops were busy, the smell of fresh flowers stung Reds nose, he had never smelt such divine flowers, the rich smell of Lavender had now become one of his favourites.

The smell of fantastic food flooded his nose, there were meat stands, cake stands, apple stands. Basically any stand that contained food was there, however there was one shop that had a certain pink Pony who worked there, her poofy mane and her springy knees was her signature style, the crazy pink food lover saw the duo heading towards Sugar Cube Corner through the window. Red opened the door for Gold Star and smiled as the Princess of Peace walked through, she got to the counter with her stallion after the door was closed.

"Hi! Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner!" The excited Pony smiled and put her front legs on the counter and beamed. "What can i get ya princess?" She pulled out a pencil and notepad out of her hair.
"Hello Pinkie Pie." The giantess responded with a smile. "I would like to but two ice creams." She smiled and looked at her lover. "What would you like?" She asked him with a warm smile.

"I would like a mango flavoured ice cream." He smiled softly at the pink Pony, this was his fifth interaction with a Pony.
The pink Pony looked down at him and smiled, as she put down the specific ice cream flavour.
"And for you Princess?" She asked and looked at her, pencil ready.
"I will have a chocolate ice cream." She smiled and looked at Pinkie and then to Red.
"Two delicious ice creams coming right up." She smiled and walked away to put the ice creams in a cone.

"Do you like it here?" The goddess asked her personal guard who also doubled as her lover.
"I do, but I couldn't walk around here without you." He smiled and kissed her cheek.
"We will be walking together. Don't you worry." She smiled and held him close. The pink Pony then came back, the ice cream cones in a cone holder, she then passed them the ice creams.
"Have fun you two." She smiled and started to take the next Pony's order.

The two walked out of the shop, happy with the product they received, they licked their ice creams contently and soon made it to a building, it was like the same building in Canterlot. No it was the same though it was made of different materials, Gold Star unlocked the housed front door and walked in with Red. The inside was completely the same as the house in Canterlot, they both stood in the kitchen eating their ice creams, Red was on the counter top again, it was like his own little perch, Gold Star then had a devilish idea, she used her ice cream and dabbed a bit of chocolate onto his snout and chuckled, she then licked it off with a playful smirk.

Red was new to this so he tried to do the same, he dabbed a bit of mango onto the Princess's nose and licked it off with a chuckle. Thats how he would imagine it would go, however he used a bit too much force and he put more mango on her that he anticipated. He chuckled and licked it off. They both laughed softly and sighed contently. Soon they finished their ice creams and ate the cones.

Red got off his perch and looked up at his lover, he nuzzled her and tilted his head.
"What shall we do now?" He asked, the Princess then had an idea spring to mind and smirked to herself.
"Oh I have the perfect idea." She smiled and walked to the stairs. "I'll call you up once I'm ready." She smiled and went to her room.

Getting into her room Gold Star put some black Lingerie on, it was a gift from Rarity a few years back. She told her that it was to be worn when she found that lucky stallion. She then spawned the lab coat she used in the facility, putting that on she didn't bother to button it up. She then put her glasses on, even though she only needed them to read and do work she thought that it would make Red go wild, she bit her lip gently and giggled to herself.
"Red! You may come up now." She called down the stairs from her room, she then heard the steps of her lover getting louder.

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