Chapter 11: Parents

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It was the month of my birthday, Ruvik learn about Emily, when he notice a little girl sneak out of her room in the middle of the night but only when he working late and can't come in the bedroom, so he had someone keep a eye on her that lead me never seeing her again.

"I HATE YOU!!! EMILY MIGHT BE YOUNG BUT SHE MY FRIEND" I yell as tears run my face, he try to get close to me but I started to through stuff at him. "Sunflower, lower your voice"
"NO! SHE THE BEST THING AT HAPPEN TO ME SINCE I BEEN HERE!" He teleport in front of me, and grab my wrists. I fall down on my knees, he got on his knees. He let go of my wrist and quickly wrap his arms around me, where I couldn't move my arms. I put my forehead on his chest and cry. I felt his arm move a little and then he started to pet my head. "Shhh, I might can do something. She was drop off just like you. Truth, it cause the same reason but not a church but her own home. So I will try, just for you but she can't sneak out at night."
"She need someone read her a story, but there no book so I make up stories...."
"Sound like you treating her like she your daughter..."
"Yeah, it kind of does..." I hate him so much but right now, I need someone and he is here. I look at him, he try to kiss me but I move my head away.
"I be back, I have a meeting with the K.C.P.D., Sebastian is still try do stuff. Guess I'm not the only one who is in love with you"
"In love?"
"Ever since I first meet you"
"Not you, well I thought you was obsessed with me but I was talking about Sebastian" he didn't say a word, I try to move "everything be fine soon, our test subject is still alive. We are seeing if she live a year. We are so close sunflower"
He got up and walk toward the door and I just stay there on my knees on the floor, I heard the door open and shut but it open again. "Amantha..."I look up and saw Sam, "what you want?"
"I'm in here to tell you..... The state government is sending two people that they think they mentally unstable...and-"
"Sam just spit it out"
"It's our birth parents, they are coming here since Beacon Reborn is the top Mental hospital that help a lot of people out-"
"Meaning testing them or brainwashing them just something really sick that doesn't make you human"
"We are humans Amantha, just the world show us things, things that we must change for the good"
"So, why you tell me about our useless birth parents who let the people murder your twin, place you here because you was useless to them because they want me to give to their master because what I tell my why, baby brother are you telling me this?"
"Why you want revenge?"
"I know more then you think, you wasn't the first born. Our grandparents push them to have children at the age that our birth mother became a woman"
"Then why I'm alive?"
" had a twin sister also"
I stand up, "but still-"
"BECAUSE AMANTHA! THEY MUST PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID!..... To our twins and elder siblings"
"How we going to do it?" I asked and he gave me an evil smile, "when that time come you will see" he walk out the door, "hey Sam"
"Yeah Amantha?"
"Can you see Kevin bring me a bowl of his tasteful homemade Lamb stew?" He chuckle, "that my lamb stew, I pick it up from a nice old lady. Who I was working with, she had no children so she show me, past down in her family and only made it for the family. I make it for you and me. Don't tell Ruvik or Laura, they ban me from making it"
"Why? It just lamb.."
"Don't know..." He shut the door, I lay on the bed slowly falling to sleep.


I was running in the halls in Beacon, cover in blood crying my eyes out. Something wasn't right, I reach a wall. "No..." I said as I stop in front of the wall. "Amantha..." I felt his hot breath on my neck, tears run down my face. I try to cut him off to run but he slam me into the corner. "Sebastian please don't, I'm begging you" he aim the gun up under my chin, "it's the only way out for you.... He will ruin your life"
"Sebastian please don't, I can move far away and change my name"
"He will follow you like I will.... Amantha, I'm sorry" he put his lips on mine hard, I try to push him off but I heard the click. I closed my eyes, "DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" I heard Ruvik voice, I open my eyes and saw Sebastian flew across the air. Ruvik walk close to me, "no one will hurt you my beautiful sunflower wife"

~end of dream~

I woke up and notice Ruvik holding me. "You was fighting in your sleep, I had to calm you down" I just look at him "I've lost my mind"
"No, you didn't sunflower"
"Yes I have..." I started to cry again, I felt weak and helpless with all this crying. "Shhh, I'm here and I will always be here" his grip got a little tighter, "Ruvik..."
"Yes sunflower?"
"I had a dream, about Sebastian and you..."
"What happen?"
"Sebastian try to kill me and you came to save me but you call me your sunflower wife...." I try to get out of his grip to sit up but he hold me down. "Sunflower wife, that sound nice" he look at me with a smile. "Shit....I'm having crush feeling for Ruvik" I thought to myself, after all he did. Why? Why this, he lean in and kiss me. I move my head "No! I can't!" I said, he gave me an confusing look. "Can't what?"
"Crushing on you after what you did"
"What did I do?"
"You let your monsters try to kill me, took over Leslie body and open back up my nightmare once again! Plus forcing me live like this and having someone act like me!"
"Everything have its reason, and forcing you that not true just I don't want to lose you again"
"I want to know something, if I get out of here and move away..... You going to stalk me like a wolf stalking its deer?"
"Afterwards turn that deer into my wolf, mate for life"
"If I don't want to be your mate for life?"
"You will be" he got on top of me, I look deep into his eyes. "Ruvik....don't"
"I want to old Amantha back, the one who made tons of promises with me. I'm getting her, plus more" I place my hands on his chest, "Ruvik....I know what you are doing...don't get inside my head"
"I'm not, not yet at least"
"What do you mean?" He stay on top of me but lean up a little.
"When the time is right..."
"The time is right now"
"No it's not, it getting late. I need to do something. I see you soon sunflower" he lean down and kiss my forehead.

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