Chapter 16: Prince or the knight?

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Days past and Ruvik been acting different. Emily had nothing to do with me, so Ruvik took change her memory to forget about us and put her up for adoption. It broke my heart and also mad me mad at Ruvik. I started to think did he change my memory, I asked him and he say no.

"What wrong love?" He ask as he started to crawl on the bed toward me. He only had his boxers on, "it 2 in the after noon, why you in your boxers?"
"Laura say she handle things today so I can have a break" I look at my hands, "any news about Sebastian?" I asked he stop right as he got near me.
"The plan work but he still believe I'm hiding you" then he chuckle "one more out burst and the law will have to put him in here, and I will change his memory for good" he got closer and kiss my lips. "Ruvik....I don't feel good, I'm going to bed" I lay on my side. Ruvik wrap his arm around me. "Ok sunflower" I fell asleep.

I woke up with a gasp, everything came back. Ruvik, Sam, Laura, Sebastian and my memory that Ruvik try to change. I look to my side and saw Ruvik was asleep. I slowly got out of bed, I knew I had to act my way out of here. I put on clean clothes, I went to Ruvik office down the hall. I lock his door and grab the phone.
"Sebastian, it's Amantha. Listen Ruvik fake my death, plant my DNA to look like it was me, he try to change my memory it work for awhile but now I remember everything but you can't have another out burst or you will be in here and he will change your memory or worst but I need help out Sebastian. Please help me"
"I knew you was still alive, yes I will help you but it will take sometime tho"
"Thank you Sebastian" I hang up the phone, I place my hand on my belly. "I hope I'm not"
"I hope you are" I heard his voice, "how long-"
"Since you call him"
"I heard everything, you know he can't help you. Maybe that a good ideal for you to call him, his boss and co-works might turn him in."
"I didn't hear the door open"
"Did you forget, my teleport powers are back" he wrap his arms around me, "you with me now sunflower, you can't run or hide from me. I'm faster then you and I always know where you are going" he grip me tight and he teleport us in his room. "Don't try to run sunflower, because now I will have to make Sadist guard you 24/7" he push me on the bed and got on top of me, holding my hands down with one hand. "Ruvik, whatever you are planning in that mind don't do it"
"I won't for now" he unbutton my top and kiss from my neck down to my belly button. "It only one time" he said as he gentle kiss my belly. "Now go to bed sunflower, don't try anything stupid this time" he wrap his free hand around me, then he let go of my hands. I try to fight him but nothing I did, didn't faze him. I gave up and lay there then I fell back to sleep.

Next thing I knew a month have past, "ready for the test sunflower?"
"I'm not taking it cause I'm not pregnant. I been stress, because of you" I said to him, I lock myself in the bathroom "you going to find out sooner or later."
"Later it should be"
"I won't leave until you take the test" he said as he teleport into the bathroom holding a pregnancy test box in front of me. I gave him a look and kick his knee. "I said no!"
He sat on the tub holding his knee. "Don't tell me, you are scared that you might be" I didn't say a word, "if you think your know then take the test to prove me wrong sunflower" I look at him and grab the box. "Leave the bathroom, I'm going to prove you wrong" he smirk and teleport out of the bathroom, I did what I need and I waited 3 minutes.
After 3 minutes I look and smirk, I open the door and show it to him, "told you I'm not pregnant" I said, he look mad. "Then I guess, I have to keep trying" he look at Sadist, I saw Sadist nod then he pick me up and put me on the bed and hold me down.
"What the hell are you doing!?" I saw him look upset, sad and hurt. "Forget Sadist, stay at the door. I need to do some work and see how the test subject doing." Sadist let and walk toward the door with Ruvik. I sit up on the bed and hold my legs, "he was going to rape me" I though to myself, "I change my mind, but I can't promise I won't hold back next time. So either pick give up or rape, I know that sound bad but your my sunflower. I fell in love with you when you was in my world and you love me also. I wish he didn't took your memory away from you" before he walk out, "I'll make you a deal, if you bring back my memory from then instead of changing things around. I see what will happen between us" he smile, "that sound like a deal, then you remember about us" he walk out of the room. I knew if he busy trying to bring back my memory he wouldn't try anything with me for awhile.

The next day, Sadist wasn't at the door. So I peek out and he was nowhere to be seen, I smile at myself. I sneak out of the room, "lady Chisenhall, why you out of your room?" A woman ask me, I turn to look, she was a pretty young lady with blonde hair and brown eyes, high cheek bones and the perfect tan body.
"No need, but may I ask you a favor?"
"One of the nurses went missing and she the one who read the children a story and everyone is busy, lucky I saw you"
"What about Laura?"
"Who Laura?"
"I mean Lisa"
"She help Mr. Chisenhall"
"In his lab doing some kind of research"
"I'm running late what I have to do now" I was thinking just running but when I was in here, no one read us any books. They thought was was a waste of time and space plus if our parents didn't love is why should they.
"Fine...where do I read to them at..." I follow her to the old library that I found all about.
"Book are at the table where the children are, Lady Chisenhall"
I nod and thank her, I sat with the children who eyes widen when they saw me. "Your Mrs. Chisenhall!" One said, "are you going to read is a book today?" A little girl who look four years old, ask me. "Yes, what book you like to hear?" They started to pick different ones, "how about I make up one" they nod, I started telling them a story just what going on my life but different names and change it up a little, "did the dark prince win her heart once again or the white and shiny armor did?" They asked, I thought I'll see what they think. "Who do you think?"
"The dark prince!"
"No way the knight"
"No the prince since he love her first and show her love but the evil wizard curse her to forget about him and the knight was around at that time but he kept her away from the prince who can find a good wizard to take away the curse and heal her to learn her one true love is the dark prince of the night kingdom" all of us was shock that the four year old said that. I felt hands on my shoulder causing me to jump, I look and saw Ruvik. "So who end up with the princess, sunflower?" He asked, I look at the four year old and I knew only one who pick the knight was right but the other knew the dark prince love her and show her more then the knight ever did. "So the princess found a wizard herself, he told her that he can see a curse on her. She gasp and beg can he take it off of her, he did. Her memories came back but that not all that came back but her feelings for her dark prince. So she ran back to his kingdom, where she saw him hurting for that he thought he lost her forever. 'I remember, love, I remember everything' he look up and smile then he ran toward her pick her up by her waist and kiss her. A year later they got married and have children also he show her the world which he shouldn't since he was her world. So they lived happy ever after" they smiled at me, "that the best story I ever heard!" One said, "next time, I pick who tell their story" I said, they agree and went to their room. "Come to our room sunflower" he whisper in my ear. I look at the door but I saw Sadist walking in, I knew it was too late to run.

I walk into the room with Ruvik, "so who the dark prince and knight?"
"Just people I made up" I said as I sit on the bed. "I heard the whole story sunflower, that fairy tale sound like someone life we both know"
"Well then, I don't know who you-" he put his lips on mine and push me hard on the bed where I'm laying down and he on top. "I'll ask again who the dark prince and who the knight"
"Your the dark prince and Sebastian is the knight"
"And your the princess?" He asked as he kiss my neck. I push him off of me, "no"
"I'm not"
"Yes you are, even the children believe we belong together"
"No they believe the fairy tale love triangle story. I will get out and be with Sebastian"
"Not if the prince found a wizard and the princess can't get out of the dungeon and her memory comes back"
"I'm not no princess"
"Of course, your my sunflower" he got up and walk toward the door. "I did like that story" he walk out the room, "it just a fake fairy tale story" I said to myself.

(A/N: hey please comment on who should of 'the princess' picked? Dark prince or the knight? Please comment cause I would love to know on what my readers think)

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