Chapter 12: The Note

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Couple hours past, I starting to hear a piano playing. I put my ear on the door to hear it better and the door slowly open. "He...he must of forgot to lock it" knowing it my chance to run to Sebastian. As I look in the halls it was clear, I creep to the main lobby but I stop at a door where the piano was coming from. I see my chance to freedom right threw those doors in front into the main lobby and then outside but the door next to me. I know I regret later but I open the door and Ruvik playing on a piano as Emily sit next to him enjoying the music. I saw Emily look up at me, "Amantha!" she jump up ran toward me and hug me. "Mr. Chisenhall is teaching me how to play a piano! I wish my dad was like him and my mom like you" she said with a smile, I look at Ruvik as he stood up with a smirk on his face. "Did you brainwash her?" I mouth to him, he shook his head no. "Come, he show me how to play twinkle, twinkle little star!" She grab my hand and pull me, made me sit down. I watch her play, I felt his hands on my shoulders.
"Mr. Chisenhall!" A nurse ran inside stop dead in her tracks. "Yes?"
"Amantha, she started to move and she hang herself but how she here?"
"This is not Amantha, just my beautiful young-"
"She going to my mommy! Levi will be my daddy because I want them to adopt me!" Emily said, I look at her with widen eyes. Ruvik chuckle, "now, now Emily let me and the nurse talk, beside it dinner time for you and the other patients, so go along and eat" Ruvik said, Emily nod and walk out. "Mr. Chisenhall, she look just like Amantha"
"She not Amantha, did you call her next to kin or anyone?"
"This just happen, you always have to be the first to know"
"Well call who next to kin or anyone that on her patient papers"
"Ok, Mr. Chisenhall" she turn around, "WAIT!" I yelled out, she look at me and so did Ruvik. Something in his eyes scared me, "yes ma'am?" I saw Ruvik behind her with a knife ready to stab her, "can I see her?" Ruvik put the knife down and hide it from the nurse. "Only staff and-"
"Let her" Ruvik said, they walk out the room. I saw pen and paper, I wrote a note to Sebastian out fast. "I should of ran.... I'm so stupid"
I ran out hiding the note in my right hand, Ruvik grab my left hand "I'm sorry ma'am for thinking you are Amantha. None of the staff knew that Mr. Chisenhall here have a girlfriend"
"Girlfriend?" I felt Ruvik grip got tighter, "yes dear, we are dating" I look at him, "yeah... I keep forget how we act like a-"
"A married couple" she said with a smile, "I was going to say friends" Ruvik tighten up again, "let go and see Amantha" Ruvik said.
We reach my old room, I saw her hanging "how?"
"She was lightweight, we believe it was in the middle of the night. We cut her down and set her on the bed. It look it took hours for her to die and-"
"Who found her?" I keep asking questions
"Kevin the cook found her and cut her down"
"Where the rope?" I walk close to the girl, "and why there a hand bruised on her throat?"
"I don't know.... Kevin was the one and-" I heard a thump, I grab the dead girl hand and hide the note in her hand. I turn around and saw the nurse body on the ground and throat cut, I look at him. "You monster"
"First an animal now a monster? What next sunflower?" He walk closer to me as I bump into a wall, I grab a chair that next to me. He lift his hand and move his finger that cause the chair fly out of my hand. "She would of been a live if you didn't ask all those questions" he place both hands beside of me, then he move then to my arms. In a flash we was in the bedroom, "I have a feeling that I have to keep the door lock again and you can't see Emily in a long, long time" he said so coldly, "what?..."
"You heard me"
"No, please no! I stay in here but Emily need me! You know that!"
"I know what you were trying to do" he threw me on the bed, I sit up to run but he push me down and sat on top of me. He pull out a piece of paper.
I'm not dead they put a woman in my place. They have me lock in Ruvik bedroom. Please save me, they have something plan and I'm scared for me and a little girl in here name Emily! Save us Sebastian.
From, Amantha"
He got the note from the girl hand, "how you got that?"
"When you pick up the chair, I saw you put it in the girl hand. You think I'm stupid don't you"
"No, I am....I should of run when I had the chance but I was stupid to look in that room, your going to slip one day and I will get out of here"
I felt a lot of heat off of him, he lean down to my ear. "Not if I do something first" he hold my arms down and move his head down to my neck. He started to nibble on it then gently kissing it, I gasp when the gently kisses have little sucking on it. He stop, a feeling came back to me that happen long, long ago. "What the hell are you doing to me?" I started to burn up and breathing little hard, "doing what you are doing to me, teasing" he got up and walk out the room. This time I heard the door lock, I stay laying there.

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