A Giant Woman-Cat at the Dock

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We then Dissolve to the next scene, At the docks near the edge of Gotham City, some Fishermans were Lowering the fish, on the Nets, they gently lay it down at the harbor. Strange and Horrify music begins. Then the lead dock worker check to see if it's ok.

Lead Dock Worker: Ok, that's about does it. (To the other workers) Lord them up, inside the crates.

Just as soon, when they about to Lord them up, A strange figure appears. It runs and crawled up against one of the fisherman, and attack. And one of the fisherman was knock out. The others were so surprised, as they turn around and saw this even.

Lead Dock Worker: What da?!?

The lead dock worker walk towards the fishes, he look ups and then he saw a great big woman-cat, that looks black as a panther, and has a body of a woman, and has a bit of sharpe teeth to bite with, and glowing white eyes. The woman-cat, begins eating these fishes with her bear hand, And begin to be slobbery.

The fisherman workers were scare of this beast, just as the woman cats looks at them, she roars and then begins to run away, just knocking out some other works at the dock. The giant cat leaves, and the led dock worker was terrified.

Led Dock Worker: Gee, I don't know what's going on, but, that cat beast is out of control.


Then we get into the next scene, where the big black woman-cat, keep on running from leaping Through the roofs of Gotham City, and then the big black woman-cat, was heading straights toward the apartment room of Dana Tan, knowing what was inside her bedroom.


Then when the action stop and the Music stop, as we cut to the next scene, back at the alley way, The Catwoman was very angry at Garth II, thinking he left Dana Tan behind, while he ran away from the Jokerz gang, last night.

Kaitlyn as Catwoman: You idiot! You're supposed to bring her to me, at the edge of the town, and yet you failed me!

Garth II: I'm sorry, But there were Teen Clowns, that was torturing me, and left pretty lady behind, to get you for help.

Kaitlyn as Catwoman: (As she grabs Garth II by her hands.) But, do you know what will happens if she doesn't get transform by the next hours, she won't be a permanent cat lady, when she reverse her mutation from my bite! (Then she toss Garth II over the The trash cans, and was hurt up against the wall.)

Then Kaitlyn as Catwoman walks over to Garth II, and gave him new orders. As she pulls Garth II up from up against the wall.

Kaitlyn as Catwoman: We got to find her, and bring her to my Father's lab, so we will have the complete mutation in our Graphs! Now, find her, and do not failed me, if you mess up again!

Then Garth II begins to leave, as he ran to search for Dana.

Garth II: Yes miss lady.

As soon as Garth II left, Kaitlyn as Catwoman was alone, and was willing to find out about this Batman for herself.

Kaitlyn as Catwoman: And as for Batman, he won't be able to find her, once I do away with him, with lust of fever and passion. (As she use her metal chains, to leave the alley way, and swing on to find this Batman Person.)

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