Three Days Later...

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Title Card: Three Days Later...


We then fade in to the next scene where Terry McGinnis was in his night robe. As he was in the kitchen joining breakfast with her mother and his brother Matt. Matt is having the Ego Waffles, and Terry was having cereal.

Mary: So do you have a lot of good dreams last night?

Terry: Yeah, Just hoping that everything will turn out better.

Matt: You mean going to the dance with Dana. (As he mocking to him.)

Terry: Matt!

Mary: Matt, Don't tortured to your brother it means serious. Why one day, if Dana will be our daughter-in-lar, When Terry will be Engaged, then you have to leave their private moment.

Matt: Dana as my new sister? (He thought of it and thinking that was disgusting.) Yuck.

Terry: Well it would be that, but it will... (Then the cel phone rings, in his pocket.) Excuse me for a minute.

Then Terry get up, and starts to answer it. Then his brother Matt, start sharing Terry's cereal without asking.

Terry: Yeah.

Bruce: (Voiceover) Terry, I have found a way to create the antidote, and to help your friend.

Terry: Wow, that's great. So how is Da... (Then he thought to him self and realized that he can't not speak Dana's name if she is a big black Woman-Cat. So he covered it) Um, how is the (Whispers) Jaguar doing?


Later in the Bat Cave, Bruce was so confuse.

Bruce: Jugar? What are you talking about?

Terry: (Voiceover) I Just what to let my family know, that my girl is a cat.

Bruce: Oh, I see what you mean. Well she doing very well, using have been fed, but she only wanted is a glass of milk. Instead of Water.


Then back at the kitchen.

Terry: Well, that's a relief.

Bruce: (Voiceover) I know, But I'm downloading the antidote right now. It will takes hours, but you come to bat cave Immediately.

Terry: But how, I got some school work to do.


Back in the Bat Cave.

Bruce: Well just tell them that you're sick. And you need to be in Wayne Manor if you want your... (He looks at Woman-Cat Dana, as he made a fib over to her.) Jaguar friend to be normal.

Woman-Cat Dana: Uh. (As she looks so furious.)


Then later in the kitchen, then Terry Answers.

Terry: Ok, I'll think about when I get there. (Then he hung up, and went back to eat his breakfast, but he saw Matt, eating his cereal with his barehands. Then he rush in and yells to his brother and grab his cereal box.) Hey that's mine! Go make your own!

Matt: But, I wanted a extra!

Terry: Well you can't! And you shouldn't...

Then Mary McGinnis enters the scene.

Mary: Boys stop it. Can't you see that Terry need to eat his own.

Matt: But, Mom, I...

Mary: No Buts young man, you knew his business getting ready, and your need to go to school. I can not let you torture your brother, filling heads with girls. Cause he knows his weakness.

Then Mary Mcginnis left the Kitchen.

Matt: (As he pointed to Terry.) One of these days... (Then Terry did a Raspberry spit on Matt, and he call out for mom from Offscreen.)

Matt: MOM!!!!!

Of Course Mary McGinnis still Ignore it.

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