Batman's Bargain

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Selina: (To Dr. Dorian) And you are to be ashamed of yourself. You have gone to far. For capturing ladies like myself when I young, and turning them into Anti-Catwomans. For now, we're here to take of what you have stole from the New Batman's heart.

Dr. Dorian: Oh is that so.

Then we Continue hearing Dr. Dorian's words from Offscreen, while Terry as Batman keep searching from Dana as he watches from inside the jungle cage.

Dr. Dorian: (Offscreen) Well needless to say that Batman will be able to find her. For now, her hiccup metamorphosis is cure. And she is a formal little black cat. And a special experiment that my own catwoman, completed her, for the feeling of a girlfriend who is being jealous like a big mean woman-cat.

Batman look closer in the back of the jungle forest, and there coming out of the shadows, appears the black Woman-Cat Dana Tan, where she is now a Permanent woman-cat. Batman was shocked when he saw her.

Terry as Batman: (As he calls out her name.) Dana?

Woman-Cat Dana: (He heard, Terry's voice, she look at him, but she can't said his real name. But just call out as Batman for his Identity.) Ter... Batman?

Terry as Batman: (He was Horrified as he watch Dana from inside the glass). Dana!

Woman-Cat Dana: (She shouted) Batman!

She ran toward the glass window and saw his boyfriend Terry as Batman, as they both put their hand together, to touch them. They were both Horrified and Sad and Ashamed it was all too late.

Terry as Batman: (He then starts to sob, with a bit of tear in his eyes.) I can't believe this! Your all... Cat!

Woman-Cat Dana: (As she begged her forgiveness to Terry as Batman.) Forgive me, Ter. Forgive me.

Batman was heart broken, and yet he started to get mad, and turn around start grabbing Dr. Dorian, and pull him up, with a anger request.

Terry as Batman: CHANGE... HER... BACK!!! OR I'LL... (Then he was grab by the chain, and was tie up, then he drag by the Dr. Dorian's Catwoman. As Batman fell on the floor. Just as Dr. Dorian was release. And Kaitlyn as Catwoman appears when he bondage Batman Up.)

Kaitlyn as Catwoman: (To Batman) Or you'll what? Trying to change your girlfriend back, with the Doctor's permission? (Laughs) I don't think so.
Your girlfriend, is no longer the woman you knew. She is a animal. And lone black cat.

Dr. Dorian: Aw, Catwoman. Thanks for saving me.

Selina: (She told Dr. Dorian about this new Catwoman.) So this is your Catwoman you created. She does resemblance of me, but, doesn't do the same, when I was once Catwoman. You taught her to capture these woman, and Drain their blood to mutagen, and turn them into Cats.

Dr. Dorian: (To Selina) Yes I did, and they do represents as human, In fact they needs only one more injection to complete this experiment. So they can be all wild forever.

Selina: (Gasps)

Terry as Batman: (As he shouted at Dr. Dorian.) I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS!!! I won't let my girl be wild again, just like before!

Dr. Dorian: (To Batman) Oh really Batman. Of course they will be no antidote, that can save her, and the rest of my pests.

Terry as Batman: Well my old friend is working on the antidote, back home. (As all of the other Woman-Cats look out from the widow of the Cage, even Dana and Dottie as they all heard about all this.) And he's going to restore these giant Anthro Cats back to Human girls. Especially my girl.

Dr. Dorian: Oh really, and how on earth, are you going to do that Batman?

Terry as Batman: If you can just tell your Catwoman, to let me go, I'll tell you want I mean.

Dr. Dorian: Very well. (To Kaitlyn as Catwoman) Release him.

So the new Catwoman release Batman from her metal chain, Terry as Batman was free, but he stand up, and started to make a deal with Dr. Dorian.

Dr. Dorian: So what would you do, to accept this Bargain?

Terry as Batman: Just this. I want to challenge your Catwoman for the duel of our lives.

Dr. Dorian: Ah, is just like the old Batman Describes it. And what is the bet?

Terry as Batman: If I win, you set me, and Dana, and Dottie and all of the 11 Woman-Cats and Selina go. So that my friend, will create the antidote, and change them back, in our way.

Dr. Dorian: But what if I win?

Then Terry as Batman thought for one thing if he will be able to self sacrifice himself.

Terry as Batman: If I lose... you take me.

Woman-Cat Dana was gasps, shocked and frighten knowing this could be the end of their love life.

Woman-Cat Dana: (As she warn Terry as Batman from inside of her jungle cage.) Batman, No! Don't do this! Don't give yourself to that Fiend! If you lose, that means we'll never be in Gotham City again! We'll never see our family again! (As Batman walk to her as he keep on warning him.) And our school lives, and your never be able to work with Mr. Wayne again.

Terry as Batman: (Then he said something nice to Dana, which that will be the only Solution that they will be together, even if they are cats in a cage.) I know, but it's only choice to save you, and Dottie and the other girls that have been capture by the cat, who likes mice for dinner. Cause if I fail, then I will be like Tygrus, who is half man, half beast. So that I won't lose you again. Cause I love you, no matter what you are. Even when your a Annoying cat. I'll be there for you.

Then Terry as Batman, turn around and begin to make the deal with Dr. Dorian as he walk right by him.

Terry as Batman: So do we have a deal?

Dr. Dorian: Deal. (So he shake Batman's hand with his metal hand, and they both make the deal. Then they let go of their hands, as Dana watch this sudden moment.) Now that we have an understanding, we shall begin this challenge. (To Kaitlyn as Catwoman) Catwoman, led your Batman friend out the door, so we shall begin the game.

Kaitlyn as Catwoman: With Pleasure.

As she drags Batman out the hallway of the Laboratory. Soon Dr. Dorian, walk with both Catwoman and Batman, so they can begin the game.

Dr. Dorian: And this time... No Tricks.

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