Terry and Kaitlyn in the Car

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We cut to the next scene, back in Gotham City, Terry took is flying mobile car, and gave Kaitlyn a ride home is a red-orange background, as they listen to the music of The Gipsy Kings singings "Soy", as they keep on telling about their lives.

Terry: So do you have family relatives as much is your father?

Kaitlyn: Well not really.

Terry: Your mother?

Kaitlyn: No!

Terry: Maybe your brother.

Kaitlyn: Yeah, I do have brother once. He was very big brother to me.

Terry: So when will I meet him?

Kaitlyn: I'm afraid you can't. Father said that he ran away after a big accident at the lab.

Terry: Wow, I never realize he ran off. You hardly miss him do you.

Kaitlyn: Yeah, but there's nothing else to tell. (Then she though about Terry's Girlfriend). So tell me about this Dana person.

Terry: Her name is Dana Tan.

Kaitlyn: Oh sound cute. As I said, tell me about this Dana Tan girl, is she really special to you.

Terry: She was the perfect girl of my dream, I hardly know her, since I first met her when I move to Hamilton Hill High School, she has long Black Hair, and Gentle Smile, and lips like Chocolate roses. We always get along in some days, when we go someplace special. We dance, we talk and even want to kiss together when we're alone. But now since I have this special job, I Usually left her behind, cause I have some after school errands.

Kaitlyn: Errands What kind of a errands?

Terry: It's... a secret.

Kaitlyn: (Laugh) I can see why. And why is she important to you.

Terry: She is my love interest, and she usually couldn't stand to wait. Beside we both have our lives together, if my job is fully done in my silvery.

Kaitlyn: Oh pull over here.

As Terry pull over to the edge of the sea, and notice their was nothing there.

Terry: This is where your gonna go?

Kaitlyn: Mmm-mm. My driver will be here to pick me up, my island is so far, you can even feel the breeze in the air and to feel the Rhythm of the jungle.

Terry: That's because you were born in Mexico.

Kaitlyn: Yeah, until my father adopt me. And learn about everything in my culture. Great cats and Latin music.
(As she looks at the cd cover of the Gipsy Kings where a picture is shown.)

Terry: I'm glad that your be ok. Things in Gotham can get really thought. (When Terry was about the kiss Kaitlyn Dorian, he got a call from Bruce Wayne, he turn off the music and begin talking with him on the phone.) Yeah. What? Again? When? At the Coroner's Store? (Nods) Right. I'm on my way.

Kaitlyn: So that's your boss Bruce Wayne. (As Terry get out of the car and ready to go as he going to leave Kaitlyn behind.) He usually making you some job efforts, and even making your dates cut short.

Terry: Well that's my life now, and Bruce needed me. Cause their are troubles in Wayne Manor.

Kaitlyn: Well then go on, I'll wait for my driver to pick up. Even you shouldn't drop your girlfriend at home.

Terry: Well don't mind me, I'm just doing what Bruce has told.

Kaitlyn: Like forgetting girls.

The Terry left Kaitlyn behind as he about to forum as Batman.

Terry: You have no idea.

So Kaitlyn was alone in Terry's Car until she go a phone call from her father. She pick it up, just as Garth II enters with a speed boat. Then she answer the phone.

Kaitlyn: Yes, dad. What? Really. The Jokerz again. And you want me to get that other Jokerz girl for your collection. (Just as she walk out of the car, and ready to go with Garth II. As she nodded.) All right then, I'm on my way.

Then she smile with a great cat grin.

Then she spoke to Garth II.

Kaitlyn: Oh Garth II, make sure you return this boy's car mobile, but don't shown yourself. I'll meet you at Corner's store.

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