Dana Tan's Plan to Escape

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Soon, Batman, The New Catwoman and Dr. Dorian, left the laboratory,
Only old Selina Kyle and the Woman-Cats Dana and Dottie were standing in the laboratory. As the Dramatic Music Appears.

Selina: (To Woman-Cat Dana.) Ah, if my new Batman friend, loses, Then Dr. Dorian is going to turn him into a Man-Cat, just like Trygus was. And he going to change me back to the Woman-Cat beast that I once were. And it will be the end of everything.

Woman-Cat Dana looked worried, and she sat down.

Woman-Cat Dana: I know, I shouldn't have gotten into mess. It's my fault from the start. I shouldn't been mean to Terry, when he broke his promises with me and became as Batman all his life. I shouldn't have gone mad for my cat behavior.

Selina: (To Woman-Cat Dana.) But he does care about you, Dana. Because what he see in his eyes, that you're the most beautiful woman that ever live. Even since you are a annoying black cat, but inside, your very generous with him.

Woman-Cat Dana: (To Selina) You think so.

Selina: Hmmm, Hmmm. (As she Nods her head at Dana meaning yes.)

Woman-Cat Dana: Thanks. (But just notice something of what would go wrong.) Well, even if Terry loses, then he'll be a big black cat, who will protect me. And if we lose our minds as human, we still will look after each other for our love.

Selina: (To Woman-Cat Dana) I know. (Then she notices something about Dr. Dorian's main plan.) But what did Dr. Dorian means, about complete his experiment.

Then a voice came out, and it was Georgette, the fat yellow cat, that will explain what will happen when Dr. Dorian will complete his experiment.

Georgette: I'm not so sure about that.

Woman-Cat Dottie: Well, wanna you mean?

Georgette: I mean that Dr. Dorian is going to ship off out, right after he completed his final experiment.

Woman-Cat Dana: (As she questioned to Georgette.) And why is that?

Georgette: I'm saying, that right after he created a experiment of mixing the final completion of our transformation, we'll going to be as wild cats, and lose our human mind forever.

Selina and the Rest of Woman-Cats were shocked.

Selina: That's terrible!

Georgette: But that's not the worst part.

Woman-Cat Dana: Oh great. What's the worst part.

Georgette: Well, when we lost our mind as humans, and become wild Woman-Cats, he will ship off, far away from Gotham, and selling Woman-Cats to zoo.

Woman-Cat Dottie: Zoo?

Selina: Zoo?

Woman-Cat Dana: Zoo? (As she got horrified) A Zoo?! (Then she decided to get up, and begin looking angry.) I'm not going to no Zoo. No! No! I'm getting out of here, and get back to Gotham! And if I do, I'll go that doctor, and her crazy daughter that turn me into this! I'll scratch her, and rip his Father's arms, If I have to.

Woman-Cat Dottie: Me too. (As she thought of something, that she wanted to do something good.) Cause I gonna get back to my Jokerz gang!

Woman-Cat Dana: (To Dottie) Well, Don't bet on it sister, cause you know what Ter... I mean Batman is gonna do it.

Woman-Cat Dottie: (To Dana) And why is that babe?

Woman-Cat Dana: (To Dottie and some of the other Woman-Cats) Because, back when I was Human, I have been in lots of troubles, till Batman show up to protect me. He save me from a bunch of Jokerz that wanted to tickle me, and almost wanted to kidnap me, and then he save me from the nerd who turn out to be a Psycho bully, then he rescue me from a bunch of giant rats!

Other Woman-Cats: RATS!!!

Selina: (To the other Woman-Cats) Well, I think I just mention that I don't like rats at the best of time.

Woman-Cat Dottie: (To Selina) You might have say that.

Woman-Cat Dana: (To all the other Woman-Cats) But is this Mad Doctor gonna take us away to any zoo, for his wildlife experiment? No!!! We need to stand up, and show this Dr. Dorian guy, what is right to be wild and free.
And to be Human Girls again. When Batman will full filled this mission, we will be returning to Gotham. And I'm getting out of here, right now. (As she talk to Selina at glass window.) Selina, do you think you can help us, during when My boyfriend take his time to fight off Dorian's Catwoman?

Selina: (She thinks and answers to Dana.) Well, If I was the Original Catwoman, then I would say yes.

Woman-Cat Dana: Good, then we need a plain. (Then she talks to Dottie the Pink polka dotted Woman-Cat.) Dottie, are you with me?

Woman-Cat Dottie: Well, what's it to ya?

Woman-Cat Dana: (To Dottie) Big wuss puss. (Then she ask a question to Selina.) Oh by the way, how do you get the name Selina.

As Selina was Concerned about this.

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