Three Cats Trying to Escape

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Then we cut to the next scene, where the two Woman-Cats Dana Tan and Dottie and Human Selina Kyle both wonder around the hallway of Dr. Dorian's old Mansion of no telling of what kind of danger they might find.
As strange and dangerous music appears.

Selina: So many hall, that I haven't seen this for years.

Woman-Cat Dana: Yeah, this wouldn't have clean up in years.

They kept on walking, until Dottie, trip a trapdoor on the bottom.

Then the three girls heard the set off.

Selina: Hit the decks!

As Selina tell the cat girls, to take cover, while three axes shot out from the left wall, and it landed on the right side of the wall, the three girls got up as they miss the shot.

Selina: Look like Dr. Dorian has something in mind. He's setting off traps if some tries to escape.

Woman-Cats Dana and Dottie: Trap?!

Then another trap door open from the bottom and it was a burst of flame, Selina, Dana, and Dottie jump pass towards it, they all ran so quickly, then they pass through a big slider, then missed by a bunch of arrows shooting from the Wall. Then Selina, Dana, and Dottie jump, skip, run across the big sharp thing that pop up from the floor, then the three ran into the exit where the door is going closing on them, as Selina, Dana, and Dottie, slide right other it. They were save, and got out ok, and the breath for their reaction.

Woman-Cat Dana: No wonder, you can catch a cat, in it's own trap.

Woman-Cat Dottie: (To Dana) Yeah, to hell with you.

As Selina Kyle got up and finally look at another direction to get out from this mansion.

Selina: (To the two woman-cats) Hey Guys, I think I found a way out, come on.

Then Selina, Dana, and Dottie, walk towards to another room, here it look like a temper from a famous movie. And there was another door to it.

Woman-Cat Dana: I hope it would be better this time. When I can warn Terry.

Dana tries to cross it, but then Selina Kyle stop her.

Selina: Dana, No!

Woman-Cat Dana pause as she was going to trip on the trap door.
Then Selina pick up a pebble, and toss it on the floor to see if there are no traps. And as the pebble trip on the trap door on the floor that has a Illustration of Cheetah, there appears a bunch of arrows that have landed on the left side of the wall. The woman-cats where shock and notice it was a another trap. Then Selina Kyle warn them about the illustrations on the floor.

Selina: Look, this floor is Illustrated by theses animals. There must be a pattern here. We gonna find out of what this animals have in common.

Woman-Cat Dottie: You mean like quiz test, (As she looks Embarrass) Aw, come on!

The three girls are trying to figure out the question, until Woman-Cat Dana found the answer.

Woman-Cat Dana: Ah ha, I knew it! See guys, (As she show the answer to Selina and Dottie.) These animals are all predators, expect... (As she show a illustration of a rat on the floor.) RATS!

Selina and Woman-Cat Dottie: RATS?!

Woman-Cat Dana: (To Selina and Dottie.) Yes, cause cats like rodents. They love to eat mice, but they couldn't bare to eat rats. Watch. (As she put her foot on top of the illustration of the Rat, and then nothing happen, so she jump and walk across the floor, and she Avoid the predator animals. Just like playing Hopscotch in school as a kid. Then she told to Selina and Woman-Cat Dottie.) Come on, it's easy.

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