chapter 5 - invitation

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~stan's point of view~

dear star

Oooh. Only I know that you play the guitar? I feel special ;) I like your code name. Does it have a meaning or is it the first thing that came to mind? Well to answer your question, my day was okay. It could have been better. I have a question for you. Are you a boy or a girl? I just want to know. And actually I have another question. What's your favorite color....I need it for something, but you'll learn about that later.

ps. put the letters under the green book inside this desk, that way no one else accidentally takes it.

xx blue

I chuckled. This 'blue' person seems interesting.

I just came from lunch, I had to sit next to the dingus. God just his presence annoys me.

I grabbed a piece of paper and a yellow envelope and quickly wrote my response to blue. I found the green book like he said and slipped it under there.


Once 5th and 6th period was over, I met up with Ben and Eddie.

"Sup dickwads." I said as I approached my two friends.

"Yeah yeah, hi." Ben said clearly not paying attention.

He was staring at Beverly. For the 10th time today! I rolled my eyes.

She then walked towards us holding 3 pink envelopes. She gave one to me,Eddie and Ben. She gave Ben a caring smile and walked away with Richie,Mike and the dingus.

"What's this?" Eddie asked while opened the envelope.

You're invited!                                                                                   09/23/93

Beverly Marsh is holding an exclusive party! In honor of being freshman.

It will take place on Friday August 24,1993.

At 1224 Stacy Drive

From 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Wear party attire! But make sure to be comfy. 

Snacks will be provided. No parents!

Hope to see you there :)

"A party?" I scoffed.

"I kind of want to go, I'll ask my mom." Eddie said re-reading the invite.

"If you guys want to go, meet up at my house tomorrow at 7:00. So we'll have at least an hour to get ready." Ben said excitedly.

"Ugh. I guess I'll come." I said giving in.

Hey at least there'll be food.

~bill's point of view~

"I c-can't believe you i-in-invited them." I said while Bev came back and we started walking home.

"I think this is a good thing! Maybe you and Stan can become friends again." She said happily.

I winced at the thought.

"No way Bev! He so wrapped up in himself and his ego. I won't be friends with him." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh for the love of god! Can you just not talk about Stanley for one second." Richie said annoyed.

I do not talk about him all the time.


a/n hey babes! thank you so much if you have read my story. :) i really appreciate it and i hope to receive some constructive criticism. please let me know if you have any ideas or have any requests. do you stan and bill to find out that they are writing to each other sooner or later? let me know :)

started 05/20/20

finished 05/24/20

unedited oops ;)

love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies


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