chapter 18 - stanley fucking uris

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~bill's pov~


"What mom!?"

"Come downstairs."

I walked downstairs to see my mom smiling and sitting on the couch. She looks way too happy.

"What are y-you so excited a-about?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"My old friend from college needs a place to stay so she and her son are staying with us!" She replied happily.

"A s-son!? Maybe we c-can be friends! What's their n-names?" I asked now a little excited.

"Andrea Uris. And I think her son's name is Stanley." My mom replied.

My face grew white.

Stanley fucking Uris

Stanley fucking Uris is going to live at my house.

Stanley fucking Uris who I called cute the other day.

I gulped.

"Why are they s-staying with us?" I asked.

"Andrea is..well..she's getting a divorce. She kicked her husband out last night. Then her husband came this morning and has threatened to take custody of Stanley if they didn't leave." She replied sadly.

"Andrea loves Stanley more than anything so she was willing to do that." She said.

That's why Stan wasn't at school today.

I felt awful. Stan. The funny and smart guy who's life seems to be perfect. Was not so perfect? I felt a rotten feeling in my stomach. Stan must have been dealing with things like this, and I didn't help by bickering with him all the time. I'm a horrible person.

It's my fault he has a black eye and now I probably made him feel awful with his situation at home.

The doorbell rang.

Oh no.

It's Stan.

I walked over and slowly opened the door. And of course standing there was a woman with pretty brown hair and honeycomb eyes just like Stan's. And standing next to her was Stanley fucking Uris.


a/n hey bitches. so i'm writing all of this during online school and i'm writing all the chapters then publishing them at once so you won't have to wait :)

and btw georgie is alive and pennywhore never happened

started 05/27/20

finished 05/27/20

331 words

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