Chapter 3

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"Hello, my love." He said, a smirk on his face.

Jay growled and stepped in front of her. "I'm not gonna let you hurt her again." He said. Nya blushed and stood beside him. "And you're not gonna hurt him again." She resounded.

"Wait, you guys know him? How come we were not told about this?" Morro said. Seliel nodded. Jay felt his worries rise and he ignored their questions. "Who even is he?"

Oh crap. Not again. Jay said to himself.

Nadakhan smirked again, teleporting to the confused team. Jay started to back up and Nya grabbed his wrist and held him in place. "Well, I am a djinn. I can grant all of your wishes. Except, you can't wish for more wishes, any harm, and love." He explained. Cole smiled. "Hah, like a genie! They can give you what you want!"

Nya shook her head rapidly. "No, wait-!" She tried to stop him, but it was too late. Her mind was racing. It was going to happen again. Again. And there's more people to lose this time.

"I wish..I wish that I could bake good!" Zane and Pixal looked at him with the stupidest look ever. Lloyd bursted out laughing, and Skylor, Morro, Kai and Seliel snickered. How could they be so happy? He's going to ruin their lives again! He's going to take one of us away again! Oh no, no no no..

"Nya, sweetie?" Is what snapped her out of her thoughts. She grasped his hand tightly. "Jay, it's going to happen again. They're all gonna get trapped in the sword and-and.." She stopped herself and breathed calmly, trying to compose herself. "What if I die again, Jay? What if you die? What if anyone else dies?"

She was stopped by a quick, gentle kiss on her lips. "Shh, well worry about that later. For now, we'll get everyone to rush back. We will explain then." He hushed her.

He chuckled. "Your wish, is yours to keep." And then, he disappeared. Cole laughed and high-fives Seliel, who was giggling. "Now, let's go home and bake some cookies. Who's with me?" A few cheers were heard before everyone relaxed and walked back to the monerstary. Well, mostly everyone. The couple who remembered it all were quite the opposite, begging for this not to be the same. Again, they were both far behind, and Kai and Lloyd seemed to notice. The waited for the two, worry on their faces.

"You two okay?" Lloyd asks. "Why did that genie call you, 'My love' like, you're Jay's!" Jay breathed in and out, and turned to look at the confused boys. Nya simply stayed silent and looked at the ground.

"Sis?" Kai said, walking towards her. Jay shook his head. "We'll talk to all about this when we get home." Jay said.

"Or whats left of it when Cole's done in the kitchen." Lloyd responded, laughing. If he got his wish, then there still would be one. And that's what worried Jay and Nya. If he uses all of his wishes, what happens then? Does the Sword of Souls come back? Will they get sucked in it again? Is Clouse in there?

Too many questions were going through their heads, and they needed to go back home.

"Okay, well, we'll all get some sleep first." The green ninja yawned. Nya simply nodded and the other two went away.

"Jay?" Nya said out of the blue. Jay turned to his girlfriend, squeezing her hand. She made immediate eye contact with him and blushed. "I..uh, I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight? S-So maybe we could talk about it..and I-I don't really want to be alone at the moment." She said. Jay smiled and kissed her hand. Nya smiled back and they carried on walking.


Once they got home, everyone got to sleep. Except for two ninja. Nya walked up to his door and knocked it softly, trying not to wake up Lloyd on the other side.

The door clicked and opened, revealing a tear stained Jay. Nya gasped and pulled him into a hug in the middle of the hallway. He hugged back, a single tear falling down his face. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here Jay, I'm here." Nya soothes. The blue ninja however, couldn't calm down.

"W-What if" He couldn't finish his sentence, and he felt his girlfriends grip on him tighten. "I won't, don't make your pretty brain worked up." She giggled. Jay laughed, and wiped his eyes. They headed into the living room, and put a blanket around them.

"Right, how are We gonna tell them?" Jay asked, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Nya shrugged. "I-I guess we just need to be honest with them. And we need to tell them what will happen with the wishes."

"That's if they listen." He rolled his eyes. Nya sighed. She grabbed his hand and stroked it lightly. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you, Jay. I really shouldn't have done that. I was just scared." Nya looked away, tears in her eyes.

"Shh, it's okay. You're forgiven. I know you were scared." Jay hushes her like she did not even 10 minutes ago. "I think that was better for our relationship in the end."

He didn't get a response, and Nya had fallen asleep on him. He smiled and kissed her forehead, and lasted down to sleep himself. They held each other tight.


The next chapter with have them explaining all about what happened, don't worry!

Oh and also

That's my video lmao

Let's not ask

Okay baii!!

*boops nose*

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