Chapter 10

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Seliel felt a stinging pain in her hand as all of the memories from before come back. She groaned in pain. Where the hell was she? Was this..Djinnago? It had to be. He said himself that the sword could teleport people to him home realm, to die.

There was no possible way it could be any other realm, at this looks like if Ninjago was over 200 years old. She blinked to adjust to the lighting, and opened her eyes. The girl sat up, and quickly took a look of her surroundings. Yep, definitely Djinnago. And most certainly a dying at quite an slow rate.

"Cole?" She called out, standing up. "Cole..?" She said again, worried. There was no answer. Panicking, she called out his name many more times until finally, finally there was a response. "Seliel?" Is what made her turn her head. She thought it was her black haired boyfriend, but it was actually her red haired best friend. She was under what seemed to be rubble, and a fee rocks.

Seliel quickly rushed over and pulled the material off Skylor, and helped her up. Worried,  the slightly shorter girl calls her boyfriends name again.

"Cole?!" She yelled again, worried risen. Skylor became worried to, hoping that he isn't hurt. "Cole? Cole! Please, Cole!"

Cole's POV

"Want some assistance?"

A voice says above me. I slowly open my eyes, squinting from the sun light and I see an outline of a figure. "Seliel?" I asked, tasing my voice a little. It said nothing. However, Seliel did.

"Cole! Where are you?!" I hear my girlfriend scream back. Relieved, I quickly look around me to explain. There's about 5 pillars nearby, and a few sunflowers. "Uhh, what seems to be a flower garden." I yelled back. I hear a few cheers and nothing after that.

"Want some help?" I heart it say again. I turn my head back to the silhouette and stare for a few seconds, not knowing how to respond. I don't even know who he/she/they are!

I stumble on my words trying it find an answer, until I hear quick footsteps from behind me. "Sel?!" I ask. I feel my relief overflowing Me when I hear her voice respond. Well, it wasn't to me, but still, it's her voice none-the-less.

"Hey..get the hell away from him!" Seliel yelled, getting into a fighting stance. I feel someone drag me away from the person above me. I groan in pain from my leg being dragged against the bumpy floor. It's painful, and bruised.

No One's POV

The figure stood there, staring down at the ground that Cole had been at for a while, before being dragged out of by Skylor who was now checking his wound. The earth ninja sits up, and sees that whatever that is is still here.

"We don't want your assistance, sorry." Skylor says. The figure looks up, and they're wearing a long, white dress that looked like something you'd where to a wedding or party, shortish black hair, and a small frame.

"Delara..?" Seliel puts her hands down, and walked up to it. Cole and Skylor do the same, confused looks on their faces. "Who the hell is Delara?" He asks. Oh, yeah. He doesn't really know.

Bright green eyes stare into Cole's missy green eyes and he takes a step back. The others do the same. Whoever this was, it was making them feel uneasy.

"Mmh, that's too bad. I wanted to be nice.." Ger voice is soft, but what seems to be a Spanish accent is layered over it. "Yes..I am Delara. Hello." She greets. Seliel and Skylor smile, and Cole has a confused look on his face.

"Well, I will show you a place, it is just behind those trees. We can stay there for a little bit while you heal." Delara said, standing up. 'Woah, she does look like Nya.' They all thought.

"But we need to stay here just in case anyone get teleported here." Seliel responds. The woman turns around, a confused look on her face. Her green eyes glistened in the sun, staring down at the ninja. "Teleported? Teleported from where, May I ask?" Skylor gulps. "Ninjago. It's like Djinnago, but more..modern." The Master of amber explains. "You would know it, right? That'd the realm you came from."

Delara shakes her head. "Oh no. I've been raised here. I don't know what Ninjago is." She giggles, as if she'd completely oblivious about Ninjago. The three others exchange confused glances. How would she not remember her home..or her husband, that came to Ninjago to find her.



She giggles.

"Hmm.." After That, she disappears, leaving the three confused and shocked team ninja. "What..I-I.." Cole pants. "Will someone Tell me what's happening?"

Before Seliel could answer, 2 screams were heard from the Sky. They turn their heads, and see two falling figures. Cole lumps over, and the two girls quickly rush to catch the two. "Zane..Pix..?" The earth ninja said, looking at the two nindroids. Zane got out of Skylor's arms and dusted himself off, and looked around. He takes Pixal from Seliels arms, and the pink haired girl grabbed her bout friends hand tightly. A loud boom was beard, and the black haired male gripped the phantom ninja's hand tighter, cringing.

"Is everyone okay?" Zane asks. Cole looks down at his bruised legs, and looked back at him. "I've got a few cuts, and Skylor's bruises her neck. How about you two?" Seliel tells them. Pixal shows a few loose wires on her palm, and Zane shakes his head. "Seliel, you know first aid right?" She nods. "I will put Pixal's wires back, and you take care of Cole. Here are some bandages that I keep spare." He opens in a compartment and let's the girl take out a sanitizer bottle and bandages. Seliel takes Cole and sits him down on a box that had randomly been thrown, and began to treat him.

"Do you want me to explain everything?"

"Please do."


"So, what happened to you two?" Skylor asks, and Zane pops the last wire in Pixal's hand. She smiles and turns to the red-head. "Well, both of use decided to head back over to the back of the building, and of course, he manipulated Pixal into making a wish." Zane explained. The girl mentioned has a regretful look on her face and she looks down. The ice ninja kissed her cheek lightly. "It wasn't your fault." She turns her head back up. "And since in the erased timeline Zane used all of his wishes, so we were teleported here. I'm not sure what happened to Nya, Jay, Kai, Morro and Lloyd. Nya did seem really off and scared, considering that he's after her, and only her." Pixal said.

"Let's hope they're okay."


So yeah this isn't like a normal chapter, it doesn't have Nya, Jay Kai etc reactions to it, they'll be sorta in the next chapter. :)

Hope u enjoyed!!


*boops nose*

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