Chapter 12

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She turned around quickly, the voice jumping her out of her thoughts abruptly. The blanket fell from her body, leaving the cold to corrupt her small frame.

Her eyes widened and she stepped back.

"Nadakhan?! What do you want from-" Her speech was muffled as a big hand was clasped over mouth. Her own small hands tried to grab its fingers, and pull them off. She felt her body leave the surface, and being picked up by someone way taller than her. The water ninja kicked her legs, one of them actually hitting directly in the groin of the Sky Pirate. They fell with a groan, and she giggled. "Take that!" She laughed. However, upon realising that she had just woken up the other 4, she froze.

"Ugh..What the..HELL?!" Lloyd said, screaming as he saw the scene in front of him. Sky pirates were travelling down on ladders from the ships, and the djinn himself in the corner, smirking.

The blonde immediately jumped up, and so did the other three. Jay pulled his girlfriend back beside him, and pulled out two weapons. He threw three more to Kai, Lloyd and Morro.

"What do you want from us?!" Kai yelled, walked up to a few pirates and placing his sharp sword underneath their chins, threading to Alice if they don't back off. Nadakhan held the sword in the corner, smirking. He points it to the 4 boys, but misses Nya. "I need your souls. She broke a Djinnago law. And needs to be punished."

He teleported up to Nya, who back away immediately. "I thought I trusted you, Delara! You have me your hand in marriage, and said yes. But do this?!" He growled. She stepped away once more, afraid that it would happen again.

"I never said yes! You forced me on fucking gunpoint!" She yelled back, tears forming in her chocolate brown eyes as the memory came back fresh in her mind. It was horrifying, and she's so glad she didn't die right there and then.

"She meant to say, 'aye.' Barricade the doors; let no one in!"

"Ah, what a shame. Too bad no one remembers it, so how would they believe you?" He laughed. Lloyd and Morro walked up to the djinn, and knocked the sword right out of his hands. Kai rushed in and took it quickly. "Hey, Jay! Catch!" He yells to the blue ninja. He throws the Sword to him, and Jay catches it by the handle, looking into the green emerald in the middle. His eyes widened at the sight, seeing his friends.

"Get off of my arms!"

"Where are we going?!"

"Who are you?! HEY!"

He gasped, and dropped it. Nya picked it up and looked at him worriedly.


His breathing began to speed up, and his eyes were watery. There was a tight feeling appearing in chest, and he fell into his knees. Nya knew what was happening straight away. "Kai! Jay's having a panic attack, try to hold them off!" Nya yells to her brother, looking down.

The fire ninja swung his legs behind two pirates and the fell, dropping their weapons. The brunette picked them up and sliced their ankles. "I'm trying my best! Lloyd, Morro, come here!" He yells back.

Nya kneels down beside her yang and takes both of his hands in hers. She needs to stay calm during these situations, and make sure he doesn't collapse. "Jay?" She says softly. "Jay, look at me." His tear stained face looked up at Nya, and they stared into each other's eyes. She let go of one of his hands, and place one in front of her chest. He does the same with his shaky one.

"In," She inhaled, showing Jay what to do. He did the same moments later, and waited until the next instruction. He blinked the burning tears in his eyes, feeling then fade away and his vision slightly clearing.

"..And out." She exhaled. They did this step a few times, before Jay was okay. Nya stood up. She held a hand out to the male and he responded, hugging her tightly.

He pulled away. "Now, let's go kick some ass!" He said. Jay attempted to pick the sword up, but it disappeared in a flash. "Huh?!" He looked up, and saw Flintlocke holding it. "Ahah, what a pity. Couldn't reach it in time."

"RUN!" Lloyd yelled, speeding past the couple with Kai and Morro beside. The two immediately started running behind the three, and never looked back. Big mistake. They forgot their essentials. "We forgot the essentials!" Nya yelled. Her brother turned around, still running. "It doesn't matter! We're getting out of here!" She nodded and continued to run, trying her best to catch up to the others.

"Throw that rope in front of her." Flintlocke said. Clancee nodded, and threw the rope to the opposite side where Dogshank was. She tripped, and fell. Flintlocke walked up in front of Nya, and before she could scream, he wrappe a hand around her mouth. "Don't make a sound." He whispered. She whimpered, shutting her eyes and shaking her head.

She felt her wrists being pinned behind her and tied up by handcuffs. Vengstone handcuffs. Of course, she knew then all too well. When being put in prison, the six were given those handcuffs to shut off their powers, and to make sure that Cole didn't ghost out of there.

"Mhmm! Mgh!" She tried to scream. As soon at the hand came off of her mouth, she screamed, begging anyone to hear her.

Jay and the other three turned around from running, hearing the scream echo from their mind. "Nya?! Nya!!" Jay yelled. No answer. Becoming worried once again, began he ran back to where the rest of the team was just running from. Kai pulled him back, putting the boy behind him. "Jay we'll be killed if we go back there!" He yells back. The four quickly huddle up, and continue to scream Nya's name.

"Guess you really don't know what you're doing." A voice said from a distance. They all looked around, trying to find the voice. They knew all to well it was Nadakhan - but where was Nya?

"Over there! Look!" Morro pointed up to where he spotted the pirates.

Jay gasped. "NYA!" He screamed.

Duck tape was over he mouth, tears were running down her face, and her hands were tied up behind her back. It was all too familiar of what happened to him. Tears also welled up in his eyes, and he screamed his Yang's name again.

"Don't you dare touch my sister!" Kai yelled. From what the brunette said, Nya shook her head squirming. Nadakhan laughed. "What a pity. Say bye-bye, Delara."

After that, they flew away, leaving a stunned Kai, Jay, Lloyd and Morro.

"Nya!" Jay yelled once more, his voice becoming hoarse. Lloyd walked up to the lightning ninja and placed a hand on his back, head down low.

"We're going to get her. Come on, grab the stuff."


'Delara' dragged the 5 ninja with thick chains, giggling. "How long have we been walking, Zane?" Pixal asked softly, a worried look on her face, scared of what was about to happen. Zane looked at his girlfriend, face softening. They were not at the back, their titanium wrists were being scrapped off, leaving only the cover fo the wires left on them.

"We have been walking for 16 minutes." He says. "If I may ask again, where are you taking us, 'Delara'?"

The woman laughed again, and abruptly stopped in front of a cell. It was fairly big, and it was isolated from the rest of the realm. "Here, no one will notice you. Humans are forbidden here, and if one steps in here, they'll never get out. I guess you are just very unlucky~" She pulls out a key and shoved it into the keyhole, and turns it. The cell opens with a loud screeching sound. Something to make everyone cringe at.

"T-Then why are you-" Seliel was cut off, and before she knew it, she and the rest of the team had been shoved into a cell violently, every part of their body aching.

The woman's green eyes quickly turned to blood red ones, and she looked up, smirking.

"Who said I was a human?"


Heyyy, so sorry if this seems really rushed, I kinda lost motivation halfway through idkkk

Hope you enjoyed!


*boops nose*

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