Chapter 26

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"Up, up! Get up! You're all going home today!" Something yelled from a distance, though it seemed so loud and ear bleeding.

Nine figures all sat up quickly, their heads turning to look at each other in surprise. "You're letting us go?" Morro asks, a smile creeping up on his face. However, the djinn laughed manically, and teleported all the way to the front of the cell, where everyone now stood, their knuckles turning white as their grip tightened on the thick, rusted and cold bars.

"Why would I let you go and intervene with The Last One..?" He boomed, torment evident in his voice as the smirk on his face grew and grew.

"Why simply, we're going to let you watch The Last One die."

Jay growled. "You won't touch her! I'm not going to let that happen!" He yelled, anger corrupting his emotions like a sponge soaking up water.

"Or of course, I could kill all of you, her parents, and her auntie." He looked at Kai in the last bit of his sentence, who had a shocked and confused face.

"We don't have any aunties or uncles!" He yelled back. The king pulled out a book, and held his by his free hand and skimmed a page.

"Isn't that the spell book that you and your son use?" Lloyd asked, trying to read the writing, that was hard to read when it was shrouded in shade. He sighed and gave up, raising a eyebrow to wait for his response.

"Why, yes. And it's the same one that can wipe out anyone, or anything." He mumbled, closing the boom and hummed a small what-seemed-like-a-hymn lowly.

Pixal raised his head. "If you said anyone or anything, doesn't that man there's a spell yo kill you're kind?" She said.

The djinn, obviously alarmed, put his two hands down and the other two dropped the book. "You were not supposed to process that information!" He blurted.

"All we have to do is give that book to Nya, and she can eliminate them!"

"Oh, but we she be able to if she's trapped with this in her body?"

Everyone gasped, realising what he meant. She, she could get killed!

Before they could argue back, a darkness formed like a ball in the middle of the room, and consumed everyone, including the djinn.


", you two decided to come back and beg for mercy, eh?" Flintelocke mocked them, walking around in circles to make the three people tied up together dizzy.

"You don't own them, Flintelocke! You weren't like this before!" Nya cries, her voice evident with pain and exhaustion in it. She turns her head and see her father still struggling to get out, while Delara and her mother were standing still, looking like they've completely given up.

"And what would you know from this timeline?" He snarled, holding up a gun that was aimed right at Clancee. He braced for impact and his finger hovered over the trigger.

"Because you took the shot to Nadakhan and it accidentally hit me!"

Flintelocke stopped, and dropped his gun in shock. Nadakhan hasn't told him that! He was told that Jay couldn't stand the thought of losing Nya, so he wished that it was all reversed when he didn't know he was there.

"You and Dogshank eventually went against him, and helped the Ninja save me! Come on, I know you can remember! You're corrupted captain told you otherwise so he'd still have a crew left!"

The muscled women heard her name and and she came over, confusion and anger on her face.

"Excuse me, but did you just disobey the Captain?" She asked, trying to keep her cool as she cracked her knuckles. Flintelocke put his hand on her wrist. "Blossom, calm down. Let 'er speak. I think she had a point." He said. She stepped back, and listened to Nya explain it all over again.

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