Chapter 19

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The train ride back was quite quick - despite the long amount of time it took for them to get there. It mostly involved Jay and Nya holding hands for comfort - as they are literally the only ones left.

Just like in the erased time.

Jay wasn't going to let Nadakhan Take Nya it himself away again - she wouldn't be able to take it. Neither would him. He doesn't want to be The Last One, Not again.

The train eventually stopped, and the couple said their thank you's and then headed to the Borg Tower - right where The Bounty was.

"Jay, should we tell Borg that they have the realm crystal? W-We.." Nya trails off and grips Jay's hand tighter, her eyebrows creased. She had been through enough in the past few days, mentally and physically, and she really needed to relax and heal.

Jay placed a soft hand on her back and rubbed it gently. "We don't need to, he'll know." He said. "Do you want to head for the monerstary?"

Nya nodded. Jay made a hum of acknowledgement and saw the ship getting closer and closer with each step the Yin and Yang made, which made them feel more relieved.

Nya's mind trailed off to Jay after a few moments. She was so grateful that he and Kai had found her when they did - she didn't know how long she'd last in that closet. It wasn't even 24 hours ago. It had been around 6:00AM when the duo found her, and now it's 2:34PM, and they were heading home. For the time being, at least.

Oh, how she loved him.

She just wished that she had said that more.

"Nya, sweetie, we're here." A freckled boy says, knocking her out of her thoughts. She turned to her boyfriend with a look, and her head tilted, until she realised she was standing in front of the bounty. She nodded, and opened the hatch to get it, and headed up to the bridge - with Jay worriedly hurrying behind.

"Hm, everything's seems fine here - no one has decided to ambush it..yet." Nya mumbled, turning the ship on and pushing the lever. Jay chuckled nervously and pressed some buttons for speed, while his Yang guided the bounty to the location which was the monerstary.

"Eheh, let's keep it that way."


It had taken a long 2 hours but they were finally at their home. The lightning ninja turns the blasters off and make sure the ship lands safely, before turning it off completely and jumping off, landing on the training grounds.

Nya Followed a few seconds later, jumping off with the keys in her left hand.

"You should go in the shower, I'll be in my room if you need anything." Jay said, kissing her pale cheek. Nya nods, and takes a towel from her room and heads off into the bathroom.

The water trickles down her back, causing her to wince. The wounds have not yet been properly cleaned - and oh god did it hurt. Whatever had been thrown and hit at her was painful - and never again would she want anyone to go through that.

Her constant shivering from her suit being ripped up faded away with the warm water as well, and she sighed contently. It felt good to be safe again.

But she and Jay knew it wasn't going to last long. After all, basically all of their team had been sucked into another crumbling realm. And god knows if they're already-

No. Nya, don't think like that, they're alive, they're okay.

She exhales shakily and turns the shower off, wrapping herself in a towel and staring at her face in the mirror. It had a small bruise underneath her ear, and a cut on her cheek that had been bandages up by Jay.

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