Chapter 17

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"Set me down, Jay. I-I want to fight." Nya said, trying to get out of the lightning ninjas' grasp. Jay looked at her and shook his head. "No Nya. You look like you've been beaten to a pulp." He responded, pulling her and Kai into a room, as he heard the constant pounding of feet above them.

"B-But we need to help Morro and Lloyd." She retorted, attempting to stand up. Kai sighed, and stood up. Jay, confused, raises an eyebrow at the siblings.

"She's got a point, Jay. We need to help them. And as soon as we get out of here, we're getting you some help." He says. Nya smiles and limps over to the door, hiding behind it. "We can exit through there; no one will see us and we can sneak up on a few."

They nodded, and quickly made their way up to the ladder and Nya opened the hatch. Climbing out, she held a hand back down to her brother and boyfriend. They took it, and looked at the scene in front of them.

"Uh, a little help would be nice!" Morro yelled at the three. They froze on the spot. They weren't supposed to be caught with Nya! She's the prisoner!

"I really wish you didn't say that, Morro!" Kai slapped a hand on his mouth at what he just said. Lloyd facepalmed and punched a Sky Pirate before they could reach the male. "Really Morro, really?!" He yelled back.

"Wait wait wait-!"

"Your wish is yours to keep! Now, get the prisoner!"

Jay took Nya's wrist and ran down stairs as fast as possible, slamming the door for the basement and hid in the room that she was just captured in. He eyes the closet, and then looked at Nya for confirmation. She shakes her head and drags him under the table.

He hits his head and groans in pain, rubbing it softly. He crawls over it his girlfriend, who was literally shivering, still bleeding, and looked like she hadn't eaten or slept in days - but she had a look of determination on her face.

The lightning ninja's face softened and he headed up to her; as quiet as he can, and put a hand on her back. She jolted back and looked at Jay. She gave a quick reassuring smile and turned back to look out the door window.

"Nya.." He called out her name and clutched her hand, grazing his fingertips over the cuts and bruises. She winced, and tears welled up in her eyes. Nya shook her head and bit her lip, and clutched his hand back.

"Oh, god! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" He apologised multiple times, removing his hand from hers, afraid that he'll hurt her again.

Tears welled up in her eyes again and she let a few fall. Confused, the freckled boy put his hand back on her back - and scoots closer to her. He doesn't want to hurt her again; but he's starting to get very worried for her.

Nya sniffles and cuddles into his chest, using one hand to loosely clutch his shirt. Jay feels his face soften and he wraps a arm around her, cautiously trying not to add more pain into her frail body. "Nya? Shh, I'm right here. Everything is going to be okay." He kisses her cheek gently, brushing her soft locks out of her - what Jay would say - beautiful face.

"It hurts, Jay. I-I.." She swallowed a lump in her throat. "We need to help the others..but.." She breathes out shakily, more hot tears spilling down her cheeks onto her lap. "I'm scared."

"I'm scared that you'll be taken away from me again, I'm scared that we'll never be able to find Delara, I'm scared that we'll never be able to save the rest of the team. I just.." Her eyes avert away from her boyfriend.

Jay feels his heart break. He's never seen Nya so scared about something in her life. Sure some things did scare and upset her, but she's been told many times to suck it up and bottle her emotions, that seeing this side to her makes him feel hopeless. He doesn't know what to do to comfort her at all.

Lost for words, he speaks. "Wow..Nya, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I don't want you to feel like that. You and me both now I'm going to try my best to not get taken again, we will find Delara, and we will save the rest of the team. It is going to be okay, and everyone is going to be okay." He hugs her gently, careful not to hurt her again. She hugs back and snuggles into his chest for a few moments. She sighs contently, feeling her panic fade away.

"I love you Jay."

"Love you too, Nya."

"MORRO!" Is what made the duo turn their heads up. They both give alarmed looks and quickly dash out the room and back upstairs.

Only to see a green orb flying closer and closer to the emerald.

"Agh! I wish us all our here!"

"And I wish you didn't have that sword!"

Jay and Nya yell their names.

But it's too late.


"Well, yeah basically, that's how-"


Delara looks at them frantically. "What was that?" She asks, worried. Zane and Pixal look at each other softly, and they both stand up and head to the other side of the cell, looking out into the crumbling realm.

"I think..that was Morro." Cole says, and looks into the light outside.

Delara tilts her head. "Is this..'Morro' person, your friend?" They nod, and look back at the Nindroids, eyebrows creased. "That leaves Kai, Lloyd, Jay and Nya left in Ninjago." Seliel adds on. The woman sighs, and looks down onto the ground.

"We shall hope they're okay, even if I do not do them." (*COUGHS* OR DO YOU)

Zane and Pixal watch as the djinn figure that disgusts themselves as Delara lures Morro closer and closer to the cell. The black haired male must notice this, and tries to back away, however forgetting the vengestone cuffs on him. He trips, and then gets dragged the rest of the way.

The disguised figure throws him into the cell, his back making contact with the strong pillar, which knocked the air out of him. Zane and Pixal quickly rush over to the coughing man, and make sure he's okay.

Delara glances over to where the new boy was just thrown in and raises and eyebrow. "Is that..Morro?"

They nod again.

She sighs. "4 left.."



anyway yeah I'm sorry I haven't updated this book in a few days I haven't really had motivation so and extra sorry because this will seem rushed!

But yeah I've been writing the first chapter for Coping Together, in advance

So hah


*boops nose*

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