From what I could find,
Lempo is thought to be a god of love and fertility in Finnish folklore.
It is believed he is a trickster or a fiend
and is not to be trusted.
Belial is known as a devil according to Jewish and Christian texts.
He and his sons are mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. Mostly they
are described as 'worthless'. No wonder Lorenzo is always trying to
claw his way to the top. He probably doesn't want to be
associated with his father's reputation.
I couldn't find much on the demon himself
but I wouldn't trust him either. I'll ask Lorenzo about him.
You owe me big time for that and I intend to collect, Magnus.
As for Nessraya, I couldn't find anything about her.
Maybe she's never been to this realm before.
Whatever you're up to, please be careful. Both of you.
I don't like what I've found so far. But I'll keep looking.
Maybe when Madzie is older and able to protect herself better
we could come and visit. She's too young now and I can't leave her alone.
I miss you, Magnus.
I'll send any more information your way as soon as I find it.
Take care,
"It's not much, is it?" Alec asked, chewing his lip when he looked up from the message that was burned into the ground of the training yard. They had spent the morning in the training yard, he, Magnus, and Cain all working individually on their skills before the message from Cat had shown up.
"It's only been two days, Alexander. I'm sure she will find more," Magnus said, reaching out to tug Alec's bottom lip from between his teeth. "Have a little faith in her," he said, moving to cup Alec's cheek.
"I do. I just wish we knew more about them," Alec said, leaning into Magnus' touch. As helpful as the small amount of information was, he preferred to be better prepared than they were. "The time is set, Magnus. Two days isn't enough time for her to gather more information. We're putting our trust in these demons, I'm putting your life in their hands. I just want to be sure it's the right decision," he said.
"We have no choice. We can't go up against her alone," Magnus said, privately agreeing with his husband. He would be putting Alec's life in their hands too. "Two days will have to be long enough. She grows stronger every day. We can't leave it any longer."
After the meetings they'd had with their new allies, it had been decided that they would strike in two days' time, giving their allies enough time to gather their forces. They were hoping that taking the fight to her, choosing the time and place, would give them the advantage.
The plan was simple. Gather their motley crew of demons, portal them all to Lilith's castle, and take her and her horde down as quickly as possible. The small armies that their new allies had promised were to take Lilith's demons on while Magnus, Alec, Cain, Lempo, Belial, and Nessraya planned to find and ambush Lilith, and those closest to her, in a direct confrontation.

Just Bite Me Already
FanfictionAnd that was the crux of it for Alec. Because the question wasn't, could he live with being a Vampire? It was, could he live without Magnus? Could he even live with himself if he stayed and left Magnus there? Left him to Lilith's non-existent mercy...