Chapter 20

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Alec gave Madzie the nod when the music started playing, smiling when she disappeared through the doorway- petals and leaves already blooming magically from her hands. It had taken his mother and Magnus a day to plan the wedding, his mother insisting that they have it at the Institute, despite Magnus' protests. He was with his mom on this one.

"I'll see you down there," Catarina said, following her daughter down the aisle.

"You know, when you walked down the aisle to marry Lydia, I thought that I would never be prouder of you," Robert said, reaching up to straighten Alec's tie. "But I was wrong. I'm glad you didn't marry her, that you found the courage to go for what you wanted. You and Magnus were meant to be," he said.

"I wouldn't have found that courage if it wasn't for him," Alec said, shuffling from one foot to the other while his father fussed over his tie and jacket. He wanted to be up there already.

"Nervous?" Robert asked, clapping Alec on the shoulder.

"No. I've never been surer of anything in my life, as I am about Magnus," Alec said, a smile tugging up at the corners of his mouth as he reminisced about his and Magnus' first wedding.

"Good. Then let's go and get you married," Robert said. He was glad his son had Magnus, Alec would need him over the centuries.

Alec walked through the door, unable to wipe away the grin that hurt his face. Exchanging smiles with his family and friends, he proceeded up the aisle with his father by his side, giving Robert a hug when they made it to the space that had been cleared in the middle of the op's center.

Alec glanced around at the candles and flowers, marveling at how Magnus had transformed the room with so little time. He nodded to Magnus' friend, Jem, when he climbed the few steps, hoping that Jem would become his friend in time, too. Magnus only had Catarina and Raphael left from the old days so he had been happy to meet another of Magnus' friends that afternoon.

Alec shook hands with Jace, doing his best to reign his emotions in when he saw how happy his parabatai was for him. They didn't need a rune to proclaim them as such. Even death couldn't break some bonds. He'd barely grasped Jace's hand when the sound of footsteps reached him.

Turning to face the aisle once more, Alec's still heart gave a little jerk in his chest. Neither his mother nor Magnus had said that Maryse would be walking Magnus down the aisle. It filled him with joy to see the two of them, striding arm in arm down the aisle, Maryse's head held high and eyes sparkling.

Maryse tried to fight her tears but it was no good. She had been beyond proud when Magnus had accepted her proposal to walk him down the aisle and she couldn't hold back the flood when she saw how happy Alec was as he waited for them to reach him. Much better than the apprehension he had been filled with when he had awaited Lydia.

Magnus had to pace himself, otherwise, he would be dragging Maryse up the aisle. He could marry Alec a thousand times and it still wouldn't be enough. As much as he treasured their first wedding, he was ecstatic that their friends and family were getting the chance to witness them make a commitment to each other. For him, it was an honor to announce to the world that he had found his person.

"Thank you," Magnus whispered when Maryse pressed a kiss to his cheek and held him as tightly as if she were holding her own child. Squeezing her hand, he turned for the small stage that had been put in place for them, giving his best girl a small nod. The smile on Catarina's face was radiant.

Alec took a deep breath when everyone sat down, all of their family and friends waiting. The small nod from his husband had his nerves settling enough for him to start the vows that they had prepared. Not the ones from their first wedding, those vows belonged to them, and them alone. They were simply reaffirming what they already felt in their hearts.

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