Alec was zipping his suitcase up when Magnus walked into their bedroom with a glass of blood. The sound of the zip and Magnus' stomping steps ripped through his ears, only making his head pound harder.
"Hair of the dog that bit you?" Magnus asked, holding the glass out to Alec as he tiptoed across the room.
"Please, no," Alec groaned. "I thought hangovers were a thing of the past," he muttered, collapsing onto the bed.
"You were downing shots of plasma all night. It's strong stuff," Magnus said, sitting down next to Alec. In truth, he had woken up suffering just as much as his husband. Absinth was the only thing that could get a Warlock drunk. "There's one of my best hangover cures in here," he winked.
Alec practically snatched the glass from Magnus' hand. Downing it in two gulps, he wrestled his stomach into submission. The potion took effect immediately. When the pounding in his head stopped and his stomach behaved itself, he dropped the glass onto the nightstand and wrapped his arms around Magnus.
"Wanna start early?" Alec whispered in Magnus' ear, finding his husband's pulse point with his lips. He thoroughly intended to make sure his husband knew how grateful he was.
"You really can't wait until we get there, Alexander?" Magnus asked, flashing his cat eyes at his husband.
"Bali is so far away," Alec muttered, skimming his nose up Magnus' throat. He smelled divine.
"It's three seconds away by portal," Magnus grinned, letting Alec push him back down onto their bed. Snapping his fingers, he sent Alec's luggage to Ragnor's old beach house where they would be spending the first week of their honeymoon. The house used to be his until he lost it in a bet to Ragnor. He knew his old friend wouldn't mind.
"Three seconds is too long," Alec said, throwing his leg over Magnus' hip so he could make out with his husband properly. He had barely pushed into Magnus' mouth when a fire message flashed in the air.
"Seriously?" Magnus asked when Alec snagged the burning paper. Things had just been getting interesting! "Who is it from?" he sighed.
"Jia Penhallow," Alec said, sitting up to skim the note, his eyebrows rising with every word. He handed the note to Magnus when he had read it.
"Your presence is required?" Magnus huffed, raising an eyebrow at his husband. "She does know you're not a Shadowhunter anymore, right?" he asked.
"Our, presence is required," Alec corrected his man.
"Hmm, let me see. A week in Bali followed by a week's stay on a private island in the middle of the Caribbean sea. Another week on the Orient Express and then two weeks of hopping around Europe? Or... attending a meeting with your old boss?" Magnus weighed the options with his hands.
Alec snorted, tossing the paper over his shoulder. Even if a small part of him was still ready to obey the Clave's demands. That small part niggled at him as he sank into Magnus' kiss once more.
Magnus would have enjoyed the kiss if Alec was giving it everything he had. He could practically hear Alec's thoughts whirling. He surged up, trying to drive the request out of Alec's head. But it was no good.
"We're on our honeymoon!" Magnus groaned against Alec's lips.
"It's not like we're gonna miss our flight," Alec said, biting into his lip. He must be crazy. Magnus was lying there with his Warlock mark in plain sight and his husband was gripping his ass tightly, just how he liked it. But the niggling voice in the back of his head wouldn't leave him alone.

Just Bite Me Already
FanficAnd that was the crux of it for Alec. Because the question wasn't, could he live with being a Vampire? It was, could he live without Magnus? Could he even live with himself if he stayed and left Magnus there? Left him to Lilith's non-existent mercy...