Alec found the others in the library, pouring over ancient tomes and scrolls, going through clave files on their iPad's, all of them looking like they hadn't eaten or slept in days. Even if it was the same day.
"Found anything?" Alec asked the assembled group, already knowing the answer. The despondent shakes of their heads and mutters aimed in his direction were all the answers he needed.
"Then we go with my original plan," Alec said, ignoring everyone else and picking his way towards Simon through the piles of books. The violent shake of Simon's head, the Vampire's eyes widening, had him raising an eyebrow. "I've made my decision, Simon," he sighed.
"Alec, you can't. We'll find a way," Jace said, dropping the huge book that he had been skimming.
"You've all been looking for hours and you haven't found one yet. And all of this time, Lilith will have been gaining strength," Alec said exasperatedly. "This is the only way," he said, looking them all in the eye before turning back to Simon.
"You can shake your head all you like but I am going, Simon. And you're going to turn me," Alec said, folding his arms across his chest.
"Come on man, there has to be another way, something else that we can try...?" Simon tried, begging everyone else with his eyes, any of them, to step in and save him.
"Alec, please, I can't lose you. You're my parabatai," Jace said, resorting to low blows out of desperation. "Think of what it would do to our bond if you became a vampire."
"You can't ask that of me, Jace. Think of me. What it will do to me to have to live without him. I don't just owe him, I love him. He's everything to me. You all know that there could never be anyone else for me," Alec said, trying to make them see. Maybe some of them were starting to. Clary was staring at Jace with an unfathomable expression on her face, as though she was considering what she would do in his position.
Alec never thought that Fairchild would be the first one on his side but the small nod that she gave him, gave him hope that the others would come around. And he dearly hoped that it would be soon because he was fast running out of time to convince them. Lilith probably grew stronger, in power and numbers, with every passing moment.
"Please, Alec, think about what you're doing," Izzy asked, tugging on Alec's hand to capture his attention. Maybe it was selfish of her but he was her big brother, she didn't want to lose him.
"I have, Iz. I've thought about nothing else all day. I can't leave him there. I don't know how long this has been going on..." Alec said, gesturing between her and Simon. "... but could you leave Simon to face a horde of demons because of a hard decision?" he asked.
"But you're talking about giving your mortality and life up. There is no coming back from this, Alec. Are you ready to live forever?" Izzy asked desperately.
"Believe me. I've had the immortality conversation with Magnus, and with myself, more times than I can count," Alec said, taking Izzy's hand. "When Magnus lost his magic and his immortality, he lost a part of himself. It made me realize how selfish I was being, wanting to keep him with me as a mortal. And believe me, I thought about it. But that wasn't my decision to make, and I should never have expected it of him."
"But what, he should expect it of you?" Izzy asked petulantly, looking around at the rest of them for backup. She loved Magnus like a brother already and watching them exchange rings in Alicante had been one of the proudest moments of her life but that didn't mean she could give him up without a fight. Even if she felt the metal of Alec's ring press into her hand where she gripped his.

Just Bite Me Already
Fiksi PenggemarAnd that was the crux of it for Alec. Because the question wasn't, could he live with being a Vampire? It was, could he live without Magnus? Could he even live with himself if he stayed and left Magnus there? Left him to Lilith's non-existent mercy...