Magnus snapped his fingers to dress when he dashed from the bedroom for the second time, leaving Alec to get dressed, he had some work to do. The throne room screamed 'derelict yard sale' and that just wouldn't do, not for their wedding.
The first thing Magnus did upon reaching the room was to get rid of the piles of books, the grubby curtain that covered the doorway, rubble, and dust with a wave of his hand. The second was to conjure bouquet after bouquet of flowers. That plan lasted for all of three seconds when the flowers turned black and died before his eyes.
"Damn this demonic atmosphere!" Magnus muttered, conjuring another batch and trying to preserve them with his magic. It didn't work. He looked around at the bare, plain room with a shake of his head. He wanted it to be perfect and it wasn't. Why did the universe always have to conspire against him?
"Calm down, old friend. You'll burst a blood vessel before you even say your vows."
Magnus spun on the spot when the familiar voice broke through his panic, to see his oldest friend, Ragnor Fell, leaning in the arched doorway, watching him.
"I must be panicked if I'm conjuring you," Magnus said, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips when Ragnor pushed off from the stone and stepped into the room. It wasn't the first time he had conjured Ragnor's spirit when he needed reassurance and it filled his heart with joy to see his friend's face once more.
"Or you knew that I'm the only one who can talk some sense into that thick skull of yours. So, you did find the one who could tear down those walls you built, after all. I never thought I would see the day when you would marry, Magnus. I'm so happy for you, my dear friend."
"It's been a long time coming," Magnus said, grinning when Ragnor stepped forward and brushed a small patch of dust from his shoulders. He could almost feel the action. "What am I going to do with this place? The flowers won't last five minutes," he said.
"We both know that you could design a wedding venue fit for you in five seconds flat. If you can't have real flowers, you'll have to use something with a little more substance to it."
Magnus nodded, looking around before a thought came to him. With an intricate wave of his hands, he created a large wrought iron arch, complete with iron vines and roses snaking around it and placed it in front of his throne. Singular. Another wave of his hand added a second matching throne to stand next to his own. If they were going to rule over Edom then it was only right that Alec got one of his own.
"Beautiful but I think we need a little more light, don't you? You actually want to see your groom."
"Of course, who wouldn't? Alexander is a feast for the eyes," Magnus chuckled. With a snap of his fingers, he filled the room with tall pillar candles to brighten it, leaving a wide path that led from the doorway up to the arch. He also conjured four huge crystal and wrought iron chandeliers to hang from the arched ceiling beams, each one with the same roses and vines worked into the metal and filled with hundreds of candles.
"Perfect. You look good, the room is beautiful and you have your man. Do you have some words prepared?"
"No, Alec steals all of my words on a daily basis," Magnus chuckled, looking up into his friend's eyes.
"Then speak from the heart and your words will be true. I wish you both every happiness, it's what you truly deserve."
"Thank you, my friend," Magnus said, his nerves settling when he heard a scuff from the hallway outside. The hand that rested on his shoulder faded with the nerves but he didn't mourn the loss, it meant that he was ready.

Just Bite Me Already
FanfictionAnd that was the crux of it for Alec. Because the question wasn't, could he live with being a Vampire? It was, could he live without Magnus? Could he even live with himself if he stayed and left Magnus there? Left him to Lilith's non-existent mercy...