You meet

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I do not own the anime or any of the characters.

There may be cussing.


Final selection. that's where I meet my boyfriend. He IS my boyfriend, he doesn't know it yet but he is my boyfriend. oh you wanna know who I'm talking about? Its Tanjiro Kamado. I mean who wouldn't like him.

I was pretty nervous, I mean I've faced off against demons before; my grandpa taught me everything I needed to know about demon slaying and shit like that. I was staring at the steps when I felt a strong impact on my back and before I knew it I was laying on the ground. 'oh my its going just as I planed' I thought not noticing that I was still on the ground.

"umm excuse me miss are you okay? do you need a hand? I apologize I should have been watching where I was going" the male behind me said I turned to look at him then his hand that was reached out to help me up. I smiled at him and excepted It. "no need to apologize, I'm okay. honestly I should be thanking you" I told him letting out a small chuckle.

"your thanking me for knocking you over?" he asked clearly confused to why I'd say that and I shook my head " no no, you see I was pretty nervous, and well you kind of helped me not be nervous in a weird way" I told him rubbing the back of my neck before sticking my hand towards him.

"I'm (y/n) by the way" I said and he grabbed my hang giving me a smile "That's a lovely name, I'm Tanjiro Kamado"


Me and my brother Zenitsu were with our new friend Tanjiro, ready to enter this mansion where our next assignment was supposed to be. We hand just entered the place and almost immediately we're separated. I looked around trying to find or see where either of the two males went. "ZENITSU? TANJIRO?" I yelled calling out to see if any of them had heard me.

I heard shuffling behind me and quickly spun myself around to see a man with a boar head on his head. I knew he was human from the sounds his heart made. That was one of my abilities I could hear things really well and a demons heart and a humans heart sound completely different. "Oi! Who the fuck are you?!?!" The said man screeched angrily running at me with his swords, I assumed he wanted to attack me so I quickly moved to my flight avoiding his blade.

"Hey hold on I'm not a demon!" I exclaimed dodging another one of his attacks "well you look like you can fight perfectly well, and your in good shape too so get out your sword and fight me!" He stubbornly replied ready to swing his jagged weapon at me again.

"Wait hold on, first of all demon slayers aren't allowed to fight each other" I gasped out, frantically trying to dodge his now faster moves "and second, if you really want to fight then go find the demon I hear and defeat that. Maybe then I'll train with you and we can have a practice fight" he suddenly stopped, and I sighed happy that he finally stopped attacking me.

"Alright deal, but that means you have to travel with me!!" He exclaimed and grabbed the collar of my shirt dragging me out of the room "that had nothing to do with I said, and I'm not traveling with you!" I shot back trying to get him to let go of my uniform.

Thus a long argument started as we found our way out of the mansion.


You were a demon slayer, a pillar to be exact. Well used to be a pillar, after a fight with an upper moon you now could never fight again. However the master allowed you to assist him so whenever he is too ill or isn't feeling well you take over for him (meaning- giving missions, subbing for him during meetings, etc) When your not aiding him, you help out in training or in the butterfly estate. Which brings us to where we are now.

Kimetsu no yaiba/ demon slayer boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now