You hang out

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When you and tanjiro arrived back to where his sister was she pulled tanjiro and me who was supporting him into a hug, it surprised me but none the less I hugged back. Urokodaki soon joined the hug, I felt supper awkward but seeing as I didn't really want to ruin the wholesome moment I hugged back anyway. After a few moments everyone let go and the cute little demon who I assumed was Nezuko  flopped down on my lap and started to play with my hair, I laughed a little and patted her on the head while tanjiro looked at our interaction and smiled.

"I'm glad to see the two of you get along, I was worried that you wouldn't" tanjiro said looking at his sister, who had now braided my hair and somehow put flowers in the braids too. (A/n- if you have short hair, it's just a little braid) his sister shrunk to the size of a little girl, which by the way was adorable, and I picked her up and carried her to the house she had walked out of. Urokodaki had set up two futans for us to sleep on, and as soon as we saw, not a second later we were sound asleep on them.

Later in the morning me and tanjiro were told to go to town and pick up a few things "so (y/n), you didn't obtain any major injuries did you?" Tanjiro asked looking at me like any mother would "no not really, I did get smacked in the face with a branch though" we both laughed as we continued down the mountain. We eventually got into the habit of holding hands, so when they eventually intertwined we hardly noticed any difference "oh yea and tanjiro, your sister is absolutely adorable" I said griping his hand a little and he laughed in agreement "I know, but seeing you two cuddle together was even more cute" I blushed a little as we entered the food market.

After purchasing everything we needed we went to walk around a little "(y/n), why did you come with me instead of going back to your home?" He asked me I looked at him and sighed "well to to honest with you, I liked talking and being around you. However there isn't exactly anyone at my home" I said, well for one I was an orphan, for two I lived with my grandpa who told me all the things I needed to know before passing "oh I'm sorry" he said and I chuckled "it's not a big deal, really" I told him smiling, it wasn't my grandpa died happy so there was no need to be upset about it.

"Anyway we should get going, if we're not home soon Urokodaki will have our heads" I said and tanjiro laughed "yea, piss him off and he'll through you off a cliff" he said laughing but it was more of a 'I experienced this, and never do I want to again' laugh.

"Tanjiro, honey are you okay?"


"WOULD YOU CALM THE HELL DOWN AND JUST COME WITH ME?!?!?" I yelled at the boar who refused to come with me to a hot spring up the mountain we were at "URRRAAAAAAAAA, NEVER!!!!" I sighed, well here's a little backstory to what's happening. My fellow teammates had started to notice, well Inosuke's stench. It started with us thinking 'oh well maybe he's out of soap or something' but no. This. Man. Never. Takes. Showers.

"Hey Inosuke, your up next for showers" I told him walking past him sitting on the futon that was set up for me. "Never! Showers are for the weak!!" He exclaimed running around, the look on my face was something I'd wish I never make again "EW, THATS SO DISGUSTING!!"

Now here I am dragging an unconscious Inosuke up a mountain 'oh god why me, it's not like I'm the closest to him, you should of had tanjiro do it.'  I mentally complained to myself the entire way up, till finally I saw the hot spring. I dropped the boar and stripped down to my undergarments then did the same for Inosuke. I carefully slipped of the mask and put it with the rest of his clothes. "Oi Inosuke, wake the fuck up" I said pushing him into the water, which by the way worked very efficiently.

"Why would you do that woman?!??" He exclaimed sitting up in the water "take a bath." I told him throwing body wash and a rag at him "I'm going to go over there, if you don't clean yourself, I won't train with you later." I told him walking to the hot spring leaving him in the river "oh yea and wash your hair-err never mind I'll do that" I finished stepping into the warm relaxing water.

Kimetsu no yaiba/ demon slayer boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now