You start dating

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It was one of those rare days off me and our little group had off, granted most of us went to go train for future battles. However Tanjiro and I had agreed to just have a normal and relaxing day; if possible. Both of us knew that one if not both of the trouble makers in our group were going to bother us, which is why we chose a more secluded place. A meadow a town away from where we were staying, the town wasn't too far away but far enough to get away from our ki- friends.

"Wow, your plans really worked (Y/n)! I can't smell those two at all" tanjiro said sitting down "yea, I wonder if adults have to do this wither their kids?" I said following his lead and taking a seat besides him "I mean they are practically like children. Zenitsu whines all of the time and Inosuke... well he's Inosuke." I said and the male nodded "we're like their parents"

"I wonder if parents bitch about their own kids when their alone... heh" I looked at him as he let out a chuckle then sighed and look at me "(y/n)... there's been something I've been meaning to tell you" he to both of my ands and smiled "I really like you (y/n), your kind and nice to everyone. I was wondering if... you'd maybe like to be my girlfriend?" He asked and a smile spread across my face "tanjiro... I feel the exact same way, if I will" He chuckled at my answer and stood up; extending a hand to me "well we should probably get going, the suns going down"


"Oi, shitty lady come here!!" Inosuke exclaimed taking my hand and dragging me away "H-hey I never said I wanted to come for one, and for two I can walk on my own" I said tugging my hand away, or I suppose trying to. We eventually made it to the edge of the woods leaving behind a confused Tanjiro and concerned Zenitsu.

"You should go out with me!" The boar man said taking off his, mask? "Excuse me?" I asked a little flustered with the question "you heard me. I want to go out with me! That blond guy and Gonpachiro were talking about how they saw a cute couple or something and when I asked about it they said they were going out or something..." Inosuke said 'I don't know if us should be concerned that he actually knows what dating is or that he remembered it or flattered that he's asking me out.. still'

"Are you asking me to.. be your girlfriend then?" I asked looking away from the male standing in front of me and he nodded "well I wanna show off to everyone that we're the cuter couple for one!! And well.. I suppose I don't want anyone else being with you" I nodded at his statement a little confused that he actually wanted to be with me, not only because he wanted to show off he was better; that's who he is granted.

"Alright Inosuke" I said looking back to him "I'd love to go out with you" I told him smiling.


Okay I'm deciding wether I should be confused or pissed, because all day today Zenitsu has been nothing short of a pain in the ass then turns around and is all weird and romantic, what the fuck?

Lemme explain, my day started out like "(yyyyyy/nnnnn), when do you get off work?~"

"Now? How about now?"

And then turns around and is all like "come on (y/n), I wanna go out for dinner tonight, there is a new restaurant open and I wanna go to it~" I sighed and nodded "whatever, just let me finish writhing this down" after a few minutes I put down my pen and organized the papers on my desk "hey Zen, you ready to go?" I asked flattening out the the wrinkles on my shirt "yes~ let's go!!" He exclaimed grabbing my wrist and pulling me away.

We ended up going to some sushi restaurant closer to the city, we finished up dinner in about 30 minutes and afterwards decided to walk around and talk for a while.

"So, do you plan on bothering me throughout my work every day or is this gonna stop some time soon?" I asked the blond to my right and he shrugged "probably not, because it's all depending on your answer and I'm pretty confident on what you'll say" he replied and I sighed 'welp there goes my peaceful work schedule'

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