You become friends/ breathing technique

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I do not own demon slayer or the characters. Warning there may be cussing.

Breath of Fire (you were taught by yo gramps)
Me and tanjiro had both passed final selection, he looked tired. We had picked out the ore to make the sword and had gotten our crows. Everyone was leaving in their separate directions. "Hey tanjiro where are you headed to?" I asked gripping the backpack that our uniforms came in while I walked besides him. "Back to where my sister Nezuko, she's been asleep for about two years but maybe she'll be awake when I get back" he said averting his gaze to the road ahead of him. "Hey Tanjiro, do you mind if I tag along with you for a while?" I asked, I didn't want to go home mostly because there wasn't anyone there but that wasn't the reason. Something about tanjiro that made me want to be around him, it made me feel more at ease.

"Umm, I mean you can if you want to but there is something you should know about my sister.." he trailed off looking directly away from me. I looked at him kind of having an idea about what he meant "is she a demon?" I asked which made his head shoot towards me "I've seen humans get tuned into humans, but you can always sense a slight bit of humanity in them... your sister must of held on to that humanity" I told him raising my hand and tugged lightly on the end of his sleeve keeping my hand there "that's right, I want to, no I have to turn her back into a human. It's why I became a demon slayer in the first place." He said looking me, however the look in his eyes made me feel like I was looking in direct sunlight.

He took ahold of my hand and we walked to where his sister and I assume the person who taught him his breathing technique.

Breath of lightning and thunder (you took the breath of thunder and tinkered with it making it your own unique lightning breathing Technique (basically mixing breath of sound, unintentionally, with breath of thunder)- you don't know how to use breath of sound)
Me and inosuke successfully exited the house and found Zenitsu and the little kid from before outside. Inosuke made it very clear that he wanted the box with what I assumed to be a demon in it gone, and after a few minutes of trying to destroy the box Tanjiro stepped in and stopped inosuke, then the stupid boar that looked mildly hot fell unconscious.

"Oh my gosh, finally" I sighed plopping down next to Inosuke as Zenitsu and Tanjiro created a little bed like thing for him. A little while later he woke up and started fussing and making a shit ton of noise, witch by the way woke me up from my nap. Okay now last night I got a like solid 15 consecutive minutes of sleep so this nap was everything to me.

"Oh my god, can you shut the fuck up?!?" I exclaimed pushing him back to the ground. He however saw this as the perfect opportunity to fight, thus he sprang off the ground and grabbed his swords. Letting out a battle cry he basically repeated what he did in the mansion and started to violently swing both towards me. Now my breathing technique Isn't exactly the strongest in the world but it's fast. Really fast.

I inhaled a short quick breath then exhaled. Now instead of attacking him with my sword, I'd use the hilt to nock him out again. I used the footing of the fifth form and flashed past him nocking him out in the process.

"Wow you are really going to be a tough one to handle" I exclaimed dropping to my knees and patted the loud males head.

You are a retired breath of insect user (you and Shinobu were basically the same, you both use poisons, however you can cut off demons heads)
Getting Zenitsu to take his medicine was hard but getting him to do training was harder, he was apparently to freaked out to go because two of his fellow patients, tanjiro and Inosuke I believe, came back looking like shit or something "YOU CANT MAKE ME GO NO ONE CAN, NOT EVEN YOU (Y/N)" the yellow haired male exclaimed gripping his pillow like his life depended on it. I sighed and walked up to him "first of all stop screaming we are in a hospital and there are other patients, second you need rehab training so your muscles and strength can go back to normal." I told him and took hold of his wrist "now come on, if we don't go Aoi will get angry if you refuse to go" I told him trying to get him to come with me however he wouldn't budge. "I told you Already, I'm not going and that's final!!" He yelled tugging his wrist back making my step forward "okay Zenitsu let me explain something to you, all you will be doing is stretches, a simple game of tag, and a cup game; in a nutshell" I paused and looked at him "tanjiro and Inosuke were just being wimps and exaggerating things" he still looked unsure but decided to believe me for now.

Kimetsu no yaiba/ demon slayer boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now