He figures out he likes you

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Traveling around with (y/n) is so much fun, she truly loves and cares for me and my sister, she's always so considerate of how others feel, and when it comes down to it she knows how to comfort and calm down other people. She gives and gives, but never takes, she took on the task of helping me and my sister without a second thought. She knows exactly what to say to Zenitsu to persuade him the fight, she knows what to do to make Inosuke calm down from his Hissy fits. There is just something about her that makes me want to always be around her.

"Tanjiro is everything alright, you've been spacing out quite a lot lately" (y/n) asked waving a hand in front of my face, I smiled "yes, everything's fine" I told her and grabbed her hand walking in front of the two bickering males behind us.


Me and (close to your name) are really good friends, I'd even go as far as to say we're best friends... but I obviously don't feel like that to her. Like how many hints dose she need?!?!? I steal her food and I make her carry me when I get too injured!! I even ask her to fight me all of the time!! But she doesn't have a clue, like what the fuck? What more do I need to do to get her to notice me?

"Inosuke, I need your-"what woman?!?" I asked cutting her off she sighed and rolled her eyes "listen we are setting up camp here, it's your turn to get fire wood." She tunes away and went to go set up tents with Zenitsu who was freaking out for no reason.

'HAh dose she actually elect me to get fire wood... wait why am I walking into the forest?!?"


(Y/n), she's nice and cares for everyone around her. She knows how to comfort and get people through things wether it's emotional or physical pain, though I guess that's why she's a doctor, she really is amazing... I like her, a lot.

"Zenitsu please don't fight with me today I need you to take the medicine" I nodded at her sentence and took the medication as asked without realizing. "Gah!! This stuff is so gross!!!! Why do you torture me!?!?!"


A few months ago I became paralyzed in my right arm, it's been getting better I can now move it a little. However not everyone is supportive about it, specifically my father. However (y/n)... she has been the most constant pillar of support I've ever had. She's helped me thought this situation no matter how many times I've gotten mad or frustrated about the fact I can't face demons anymore.

"Ren~ lets gooo Already" the said girl said tugging me out the door "alright, alright I'm coming"


I don't remember when I started liking the girl who sat in front of me. I do however remember the night when it all happened, meeting her, seeing how truly gorgeous she was sitting by the lake underneath the moon. It was entrancing. I fell for her. It wasn't until I heard her voice however and her attitude that went with her voice. She was shy around people she didn't know but didn't hold back when expressing herself towards people she did know and understand.

"Tomioka? Is something wrong?" (Y/n) asked worry hinted in her voice. "Nothing, No need to worry about it." I said slightly smiling. To me this girl was truly something else.


... what was I thinking about again?

Oh yea, (y/n). She's okay I guess, sometimes she's a pain it the ass. She's cute though and she doesn't hold back when talking to her brother. Or anyone I guess, it's probably in her bloodline her brothers are the same too. Her attitude is sometimes hard to deal with and we fight a lot, we'll not a lot but enough to show that we're close. She doesn't really take things seriously and goofs off a lot. She's intelligent despite the way she makes herself seem, she always knows what's going to happen in almost every possible scenario and make the correct calls every time.
Her brothers.. err I don't really remember all to much but with her? How could I possibly forget?


I hate her so much. She's so god damn annoying. So why... why do I thank god every time I wear a mask around her. It's got to be because I'm a germaphobic? Right? Gah no it's not. I never was. It's because I like her Isn't it? It's because I can't seem to help but blush in her presence. It's because I admire her strong will to constantly fight and prove that she's right when she truly is. She's strong in general and she had a pretty damn good attitude about it. I think I truly do like her. But.

"Oi, get your lazy ass in the kitchen and help me cook damnit" she yelled from the kitchen "no it's your turn to cook tonight (y/n)" I replied to the girl.

"God damnit I hate you"

Oh my god I'm so sorry, it's been too long since I've posted a chapter. I started watching bungo stray dogs and I can't seem to write and watch anime at the same time.

I played 707 route and was lucky enough to get a good ending and I ended up spending all of the hourglasses I saved up to unlock the after and secret endings. I'm going to start crying.

Once again sorry for not updating in a while, I'm trying to get back on track with my schedule.


Word count: 961

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