You figure out you like him

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To say that you've liked Tanjiro for a while now would have been a major understatement. You may as well have fell for him the moment you first laid eyes on him, his kind and caring personality made it almost impossible for you to not. I'd even go as far as to say that I love him. Tanjiro is the time of person who strives to help others before himself, he'd go through hell to save his sister, he'd fight as many demons as necessary so save his friends, and even though he may not like a few people in the corps he'd fight to save them despite his own feelings towards them. That's what drew me in, just thinking that Kibutsuji (???) hurt him and his family disgusts me. How could something that bad happens to to such good people. I want to help him achieve his dream, I want to help him and his sister and I want to take down Kibutsuji.

"T-Tanjiro, gahh when did you come in?!" The said male must have had walked in while I was thinking "oh a few minutes ago, you seemed to be lost in your thoughts so I didn't want to disturb you~" he replied sitting across from me as he let his sister out of the box she was in 'God, he might actually be an angel.'


Inosuke was hard to deal with, like really hard to deal with. But he was fun to be around, I really like being with him. Wether I was making sure he was taking care of himself properly or keeping him from messing with tanjiro I was happy in his presence.
I like Inosuke, a lot.

"Oi! Lady hurry up you've been in bed all day!!" The said boar man exclaimed from the outside of my room. I got up and slipped on my uniform and haori "right, right I'm coming Inosuke calm down" I said and walked out my sword in hand.

"Today's the day I'm going to finally beat Gonpachiro!!" He said running away, I sighed "oh dear"


Zenitsu was a handful, he never seemed to cooperate and always fought against everything the poor girls and Aoi tried to do. However I'd gotten him to take his medicine and go through physical training on multiple occasions. The others often referred to me as a "angel" or "goddess". I did it because I liked him, I recently came to that conclusion. His nagging made me flustered and it was really cute. Sure he was a bit of a flirt but it was fun being around him. He wasn't a full blown pervert like some of the other men that you've met so it wasn't terrible being around him.

"(Yuh/nnn)~ when do you get off work~" the blond asked barging into my office, I sighed "not for a while I'm trying to develop a type of medicine that can help with internal bleeding" I finished what I was saying and blinked a few times "Umm, Zen where are you?"


Rengoku is an amazing person. He'd put his life on the line to save people who'd some day betray him to survive if given the chance. He helps them anyway, that's what I like about him, he's an amazing, strong willed person and that's exactly what drew me in.

"(Y/n), watch out" Rengoku said pulling me away from the edge of the trail we were walking on "geez one miss step and I would have tumbled down, thanks" I said stepping closer to the middle of the path "what were you thinking about?" He asked averting his gaze from the trail to me "o-oh! Nothing!" I exclaimed walking faster.


At first I felt as if we were gonna be good friends because we bonded right off the back, but I suppose it wasn't just that. I really like Tomioka, he doesn't talk much or contribute to conversation; granted I don't either which leads to us just sitting in silence. It's a comfortable silence though. We often have time when we are sitting or laying down on the couch together. I like him he speaks his mind and although he can be an asshole at times he has his moments.

"To~ mi~ oka~ you should definitely help me sweep~" I sang holding a second broom for him. He looked at me from the couch before falling back "Uhh Tomioka?" I asked a little confused, then I heard a fake snore "DO YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO BELIVE YOUR SLEEPING?"


I don't know if it was our friendship that led me to having feelings for him or if it was just him in general. He was forgetful, we often had to travel back to our pervious locations because he forgot at least one thing every time. Who cares though it was always so cute seeing his face every time he remembered he had forgotten something.

"Tokito hey~" I said trying to grab his attention "who are- oh (y/n), what do you need" tokito asked, being the good person I am I'm going to ignore the fact that he almost forgot who I was "are you for sure you have everything?"

"Yup" little did we know that we'd be traveling back the the inn to grab his sword half way through our next mission.


Okay I'm just fucking confused now, like seriously, when did I fall for this asshole. Sure he's nice every once in a while. Like never helping me clean, laughing at me when my clumsy ass falls down, making me do any labor, heck I'm practically his slave. But still he has his moments, like getting flustered when I compliment him and seeing the look in his eyes when he tries to think of something to say back, his insults that I know he doesn't mean, the rare times he helps me clean, and even when he falls asleep and ends up with his head in my lap.

"Iguro get your ass up my legs are asleep" I said shaking the males head which was on my legs "come on I'm tired and want to go to bed" I sighed and wiggles my way down to besides him.

"God your annoying" the said male said the next morning, when he found himself lying on the floor.

Heh a chapter that's out on time, fuck yea!!
Anyway I hope you enjoyed.

Word count: 1081

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