Iguro catch up

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I'm going to write his scenario a little longer in this chapter

Breathing technique: breath of sun (you are Tanjiro's older sister and your father basically taught you and Tanjiro the same thing, When you were ten you figured out what it actually  was and became an unofficial demon slayer. (A/n-I did this for plot convenience considering I didn't want you to become a demon slayer at 21)  you also have an amazing sensory ability.

-A little background Info on whats going on

You were shaken awake by some weird dude in a black costume who wouldn't stop screaming about being in the presence of a Pillars.

I blinked a few times before looking around, I didn't really know where I was so I tried remembering what had happened and how I was knocked out. Then I remembered, I was trying to get as many people out of the forest as I could, but felt as If my brother was injured so I'd rushed  to see if he was okay. However when I got there Nezuko was being hunted by adorable little girl who had just knocked out my brother. I quickly stepped in grabbing Nezuko in my Arms and used my sword to deflect the girl who was going to attack and try to kill Nezuko. A crow then announced that Tanjiro, Nezuko, and I were to be taken into custody. I looked at the little girl and she asked if It was us In which I nodded. I made sure that my little siblings were safe before passing out myself. I didn't get a lot of sleep because it was my job to protect the two. 

'ohh that makes a lot more sense' I thought to myself before sitting up casually, but no just like everything else that I did this was apparently a crime and it was time for the weird corps. dude to yell at me again "don't act so casually around them!!!!" he yelled out making me jump up in surprise, and placed a hand over my now racing heart beat trying to calm it down a bit. 'oh yeah my brother' I averted my gaze from the ground to my Brother who had just woken up. He started yelling about Nezuko, which made me silently question where she was too. I hastily looked around for her ignoring everything else, When I'm finally able to sense and locate where she is, I calm myself down a bit and turn my gaze to the people standing in front of me and my brother. To my surprise they were looking at me, that right there made all of my confidence shrivel into nothing. "well?" a Woman with black and purple hair asked me I looked at the ground and gripped the end of my Haori not sure of what she asked.

"are you going to tell us why your traveling whit a demon of not?" she asked her tone seeming to get harsher "I-umm" I was cut off by a man with white hair " Its not like her story will be any different then his" the man said holding up the box that had my little sister in it. I panicked and blocked out all the sound around me, desperately trying to think of a way to get my siblings out of this situation. I was snapped back to reality when the box and sister was impaled by the man. My brother jumped into action and headbutted the man making him drop the box as he stumbled back a bit. Tanjiro fell back and the white haired looked at my brother, I dashed in front of both of them easily freeing my hands from the restraints and stud in a protective form in front of them both. Tomioka cut in stopping what was happening, then sooner or later the master showed up.  I got down on my knee to show my respect to the person, I knew that my sister was going to be okay, I received a letter from the man, saying that it was okay to be traveling with her. However when I didn't notice he was there I panicked.

-You meet

I was pushed into the ground by a male with black hair and a snake hanging around his neck. He had two different colored eyes, one turquoise and the other a golden yellow,  he also wore white bandages around his mouth. Unlike my poor brother I wasn't being forced into the ground but light held down by the man. I tuned out what was happening and before I knew it my brother and sister were being carried away. "(y/n),  If I'm correct you and your brother ran into Kibutsuji" The master said and I nodded "It was im- sorry in a Tokyo" I said in a low quiet voice, mentally slapping myself for tripping over my words. He nodded "and If I'm correct you fought him" this surprised the pillars and they asked me multiple questions about weaknesses and things like that "he self destructed, and because of the blast I wasn't able to kill him" I said (A/n-basically you pulled a Yoriichi and almost killed him)

It was silent for a moment "you did a good job (y/n), for the first time in hundreds of years you almost killed him. could you tell us about anything else about the fight?" he asked and I relaid all of the information I had obtained to them "okay (Y/n) thank you, Lets see here... why don't you go with Obanai to his mansion" he stated and thus I was carried away to what I had assumed to be the snake pillars mansion. (A/n-the wording is kind of bad so let me clarify, you are not over a hundred years old and the reason you knew it was Iguro was because the others looked to him when Kagaya said that)

-You become friends

I was told to sit down and wait for the Pillar to come back and when the male did come back from the meeting and didn't look happy to see me in the slightest "you, you might become a Pillar." was all he said before walking away, this really confused me I had no idea what was going on. he didn't really seem mad at me in the slightest but rather just mad in general. I looked down at my lap and fiddled with my hands, I sensed him walk back in and looked back to him. he walked towards the couch and sat down on the other end. 'this just got awkward' I thought to myself as I slipped off the indoor slippers that were given to me, and pulled my feet onto the couch getting at least a little comfy. I soon got comfortable with the silence and looked out of the window to the left of me, which by the way was the only window in the room.

"Did you obtain any severe injures when fighting Kibutsuji?" he asked startling me  " oh uh, not really" I said letting out a breath of relief (heh) and placed a hand over my chest to once again calm down my fast beating heart. He let out a laugh and It wasn't one of those 'aww that was adorable' laughs either it was one of those 'pfft What you did was so stupid I'm laughing' laughs. "did you not expect me to say anything?" he asked calming down his laughter a bit, I looked away embarrassed "uhh I umm" god why can I not speak "right so instead of training, we will be working on speaking, I can barley hear you when you do speak" He said, even though he was teasing he was right. 'hold on training' I narrowed my eyes "what am I doing for training?" I asked him and he sighed "well its mostly just sparring, I want to see how you almost killed Kibutsuji" he said "I won, gah, I won't be able to fight you like I did Muzan, I cant fight humans the way I fight demons." he seemed confused by my answer so I continued "I-when I fought Muzan I fought with the intention to kill for the first time, when I hunt demons I don't have the intention to kill but rather the intention to 'put to rest' and When I'm sparring or training I attack with the intention to get better rather then 'kill' or 'put to rest'" I explained to him. "you fight demons to 'put them to rest'?" he asked well more like sneered.

"I do, demons are just humans who were forcefully turned into man eating beings who don't deserve what happened to them" I said narrowing my eyes at him "well like I said before I loath demons-" I cut him off "yea, well I loath your unhappiness" we stared at each other for a few second he looked genuinely touched by my statement "disgusting get out, your bedroom is down that hall, first door to the left" he said looking away from me rubbing his eyes "are you crying?"

"I said go to your room!!"

Okay so this was requested so I wrote him In. He will be permanent however I wont write anyone else in but, if you have a certain scenario you might want to see someone in (that aren't already written in) then I'll write them in to that one and only that one. If you want to add anything specific for the scenario you can make costume what you want for plot, family, breathing technique, anything really. Just please don't request that the plot be sad because I'm not exactly the best at writing angst

anyway hope you enjoyed, bye.

word count:1622

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