Leaving... again.

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Maddie's POV:

I sigh as I walk into the airport with my friends, upset that they are going back to LA, even though I'm joining them a week from now.
I just... want them by my side with all the constant anxiety attacks I've been having.
We all enter through the airport doors in a sad silence, even though it won't be too long before we see each other again. Once we get to the security gates and I can't go further, that's when almost everyone starts crying. Well, except for Bryce who is laughing at us, but I'm even sad that he's leaving. He's rubbed off on me and warmed up to me, and we've gotten somewhat close, especially once he and Addison announced they were once again, official.
But if he hurts her, he's dead.
I start making my rounds. Halia left yesterday for a family trip so I'll be alone.
I first go to Bryce and we attempt an awkward sort of fist-bump/high five, but it doesn't work.

"Ah, screw it," He says and pulls me into a hug as I stand there completely shocked this is currently happening. He starts whispering so only I can hear, right in my ear. "When I get back, I'm going to make sure he wishes he was never born." I look up at him, never more grateful for Bryce in my life, and return the hug for a quick second before we both pull away. I nod, saying nothing, but he understands.
Thank you. 
Next I turn to Addi, Vani, Charli, and Mads and they all simultaneously throw their arms around me forming a group hug. I don't know how many times this has happened, but when someone, or almost everyone in this case, is leaving, it has to be a group hug. We hold each other, weeping into each others arms for a long time before we all pull apart and laugh at how much of a mess we all are. Next, I turn to Payton who is - once again - eating a Pop-Tart. I laugh at his somewhat stupidity, but it's a sad laugh.
I'll miss his stupidity. 
Don't worry, it'll only be a week. 
He immediately shoves the remnants of his Pop-Tart into his bag when I go over to him and we hug for a long time. Payton is like my younger brother. I'd do anything to help him. And when I say anything, I mean anything. I sniffle and he looks at my face. He hates when I cry. 

"Yo Mads, why didn't the skeleton go to the dance?" He asks, trying to get me to cheer up. I wipe my face and laugh, knowing it's going to be a very corny joke.

"Why, Payton?" I say, still laughing. 

"Because he had noBODY to go with! Haha, haha, get it?" He says and I laugh really hard at how bad that joke was. Leave it to Payton to turn a sad, serious moment goofy. I smile at him one last time and turn to my other figurative brothers, Ant and Jaden who are hitting each other in the back of their heads. I giggle and clear my throat, catching their attention and they immediately stop, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around them both as they whisper promises about how when they get back to LA, they're going to kill Josh. I smile, glad to have my best friends. When we pull apart, I automatically run and hug Kio, who may or may not have walked in on me about to cut when he stopped me, but now he flashes me a dazzling smile. 

"Hey, keep it together just this week, okay? No cutting, no crying, no suicide, no fighting, no drama, stay okay, for me." He says soothingly and I nod but he continues on. "No, I need you to promise me. Promise me you will be okay." I nod again, but he sticks out his pinky. I sigh, knowing I won't get passed this. Me and Kio do this thing called the pinky promise, breaking it loses a lot of trust. I hesitantly lock pinkies with him and he looks triumphant, knowing I won't break the promise. And finally, last but not least, I turn to Tony and we embrace each other. Tony, the first person here to console me when I needed it. Tony, who has gotten me out of countless sticky situations. Tony, who will stand by me through everything. 

"Thank you so much Tony. For everything." I say in a small voice, sad he's leaving. But he must be more upset, because Tony, who never shuts up, is at a loss for words. He nods, showing me he understands, as we continue to hug. We hug for about 30 more seconds before we pull apart. With one last shared, sad smile, between the group, they all, together, turn to the security gate and walk through, one by one, not looking back. I watch their backs every second of security until they've turned a corner and are out of my sight. And with a small, sad, sigh, I turn around to my car, ready to head home. 

(A/N: Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I sprained my right wrist and typing hurts really bad, so this took forever, but I might take a short break so my wrist can heal. Anyways, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! K, bye bby's💖✌🏻)

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