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he carefully unlocked the door opening it and giving room for the green head to enter following a suitcase.

he followed jack to the slightly dusted living room, he carefully watched the Irish's expression as his face light up, but still a little gloomy.

“i should clean this place" jack said putting aside his suit case as he started walking around the house.

“yeah but let's just relax for a bit, okay?" Felix said as he fixed the couch a little so they could sit on it.

he watched jack going for the mirror by the door, examining his hair. “i should cut my hair"

"what?..why!.its perfect" Felix argued, he liked his tall hair pulled back .

“no, look. its too long and the green is only on the tip..I think I'll just keep it brown" he said walking back to sit next to Felix.

“alright" Felix said as he reached for the TV remote.
“there, open something, I'll go make popcorn"

he gave jack the controller and left for the kitchen, nearly opening all the cabinets searching for what he need.

his phone vibrated for the hundredth time today.
he finally decided to reach his pocket to answer it .

“hey,so..he's back home. right?" he heard the cracked voice from the other side.

he sighed in sadness before replying “yeah, and his family is coming tomorrow morning"

he could hear the sniffles from the other side “good....is he..is he better?"

“yes mark, he's doing better don't worry okay?..I got this"

“.....you think...you think h he would want to see me again?" Felix clutched his jaw hard, he felt if he clutched it any harder he'd break his teeth.

“i honestly don't know,mark...we'll see what happen."

“thank you Felix..really, thank you"

he went back to the living room with a bowl of popcorn. “you found something good?"

he sat next to his friend, offering him popcorn “yeah, its star wars but from the middle of the movie"

they sat in silence watching the movie and sharing popcorn.

“do you think I should record a video?" jack cut off the silence and faced Felix with a more serious look.

it took a while for him to come out with an answer “i think its better if we wait, till everybody heal completely"

“yeah but...I feel like I should..you know..apologize to them..telling them that I'm okay....I think I should go back and talk to them..you know"

“jack" he said , reaching out for his shoulder “i don't think now is a good idea...when you're better and go back, they'll understand"

jack could only nod at this point..agreeing with whatever anyone tells him. as he should.

he sighed ,finally falling into his pillow.

*earlier that day*

Felix stood far from the group of people that just entered the house.
he watched jack and his family hug, the tears in jack's mom as she squeezed him in her arms.

"thank you so much ..I really don't know how to repay you for what you did, taking care of Seán .I..."

"its okay, I..you don't have to thank me" Felix said to jack's brother before having to say bye to them.

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