8⚪last night⚪

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jack stood next to the door of the room, arms crossed.
too embaressed to enteract with the kids in the room.

they finally came to the hospital to visit the kids from make-a-wish and he cant even move. he's a bad person, he shouldnt be here.

"hey, jack" he flinched at the sudden touch on his shoulder, looking up he smiled to Felix. "you okay ?"

"mmhum" he nodded smiling to his friend " just nervous " he shrugged as he looked back at the others just having fun with the kids.

"don't be..come on" felix pulled him as the walked up to the kids.

Jack was distant, he couldn't let loose. afraid of saying something wrong in any way, but kids were so nice to him, and as always he got the most attention , he didn't like it but he tried to get along with it.

"I'm jealous, jack is always the most likable..you know there are other youtubers too!!" Ken complained as they were walking down the corridor.
they all laughed at his statement, because for them it's very true.

"yeah, maybe because his fans really like him?...like for me, they just hate me, making fun of me all the time.." felix laughed at his own words.

"it's pure love.." mark said,reaching for jack's shoulders to massage it, but only making jack get out of his grip uncomfortably but still smiling.

after hanging out and getting the schedules for the tour they decided to go to a bar, all of them went but not all of them stayed too long .

Amy ,Ethan ,Ken,Tyler and pj left after a few drinks but the rest kept on drinking and having fun to the point where they were sure they're not gonna remember the night.

"ugh" he moaned turning to lay on his back, jack looked up rubbing his eyes to see mark asleep on a chair next to the bed in the corner.

he sat straight still trying to clear his vision, he noticed he was shirtless but it was the least of his problems.
his head pounded like crazy just trying to remember anything from last night.

he looked to his left to see felix's empty bed, he turned back to mark, throwing a pillow at him waking him up. "..what the..." mark jerked up as he sat straight looking around.
"oh..hey" he relaxed as he saw jack, rubbing his eyes and he leaned back in the chair.

" what the hell happened last night?" jack held his hand to his head scratching it, looking down at himself.

"for the hangover " mark simply pointed at the nightstand, walking to the bathroom.

jack looked at the pill and glass of water then back at mark who was washing his face. "you didn't answer me"

"what do you want me to say?.. you guys got drunk,I paid and drove you here..after you nearly started a fight, which included punching me" mark was clearly annoyed with the events of last night.

"...im sorry" jack whispered awkwardly scratching his shoulder, he then reached for the pill and got out of bed.

"it's fine.." mark said, fixing his shirt and wearing his jacket "I'm going home and take a shower...we have a panel tonight "

he watched mark leave the room as he wore his shirt, jack reached for his phone calling felix.

"hello.." felix's raspy voice barely came up, jack felt his face heat up as be answered.

"hey, Felix where are you?" he looked at the clock reading 1:23pm.

"I..uhm....where are we?" his question wasn't directed at jack, he heard an unclear voice in the background before felix spoke again "in our hotel just..room 513"

Jack sighed whispering "I'm coming to you" with a bored tone, hanging up.

he fixed himself before going outside his room and into the elevator.
he went up to the fifth floor as he looked up at the numbers on the doors.

he knocked at room 513 hoping he's ready for whoever is gonna open this door,but he wasn't.

he took a step back as a big tan muscler guy opened, the guy left the door ajar as he went back inside the room.

Jack took a second before going inside, he didn't want to rush into any conclusion of whatever happened last night, but he was sure of what he's thinking as he saw his best friend fixing his pants.

"what the fuck are you doing??" jack basically yelled at him, but felix's response was covering his ears.

"you're too loud" he took his jacket,phone and wallet before rushing out the room with jack on his trail.

"you never told me you were gay!!" Jack followed felix down the stairs. "and we have a panel!!"

"shut up!!" felix yelled at him as he stopped ,turning to look at the Irish .

"what do you mean shut up? it's not like you to do these kinds of things!!..straight or gay!" Jack was worried and he knew he shouldn't yell but he did.

"just..." Felix leaned on the wall ,both hands up to his ears.

"I'm sorry.." Jack approached his best friend with a Soft hand on his shoulder.
Felix just hugged jack, burrying his face in jack's neck as he started crying.

Jack was shocked, for a moment he didn't know what to do but he hugged back.
he really wanted to ask him what's wrong but, he felt that he shouldn't, letting felix cry it out for now.
crying helps sometimes, just letting it out.

he hugged his best friend for as long as he needed.

CHAPTER!!!! I know I'm very late but,I kinda had a mental block from everything so..

pulse when I tried to write.and I wrote like a tone of stuff, it decided to not save and delete everything I wrote which led me to be more late ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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