2⚪A smile on a bad day⚪

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"your parents are nice" he leaned on the stoned fence looking to his right as jack stood next to him.

"yeah they are" jack looked behind him to the house filled with people and laughter.

"I heard your mother just flew here..you didn't invite her" Felix rolled his eyes on the mention of her.

"you don't want her here, trust me" Felix answered as jack giggled it off.

looking at jack, he could tell that he wanted to say something.
so did Felix but, he can't.

"..I didn't know you wear glasses" Felix said looking at his fingers. getting the Irish attention.

"yeah.." he answered fixing his glasses"I don't really wear them, I should but I don't" his fast pase of talking kicked in ,making Felix smile.

"hey boys" they both turned around at the sound of Malcolm calling them. the older brother of the five.

"ETHAN ,WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!" mark shouted taking the lighter and papers ethan had in his hand.

"what?...I just wanted to know..." Ethan said with his quite voice.

"yeah , let's burn the house to see if you'll catch fire" mark mocked him ,putting the lighter away.

"what are we doing today" Ethan asked reaching for one of the boxes on the table.

"no..that's not" mark took the boxes from the blue haired boy. "that'll be shipped to Britain"

"..jack's?...why are his stuff here?" Ethan frowned with confusion

"not important.. come on, we have stuff to film" mark sounded annoyed by the mention of him.

he just led Ethan to the recording room.

"heeeeyyy" he called softly kneeling as the two pugs ran at him getting exited and licking him.
"how you doin, how you doin little guy"

"finally" said brad as he stood watching Felix play with his pugs

"how were they? are we still friends?" Felix joked as he knew how hard it is to take care of them.

"oh..nooo, not really" brad answered sarcastically making Felix smile more. "edger is way worse than Maya ..she is friendly"

"yeah I know, but thank you. thank you so much"

"yeah..uhm, before I forget..roomi made a mix for you,wanna check it out" brad said pointing inside.

"yeah sure"

"we're home" he called ,mainly to his pugs as he let go of the leash letting edger run inside.

"ooh hello" his mom knelt as edger ran into her arms.

"where's fanny?" Felix asked as he didn't see his sister around.

"uhm..she's out"
he murmured an OK as he untied Maya's collar

sitting on the couch checking the newly uploaded video.
he felt bad as all the comments were asking about jack and how he's doing and where he is.

"so today I was thinking, how about a family's day out..dine out or the cinema " he was interrupted by his mother sitting to him with Maya in her hands.

"sure..but I might go to Sean's place tonight" Felix talked casually, not looking at her.

"OK but after a good few hours with us..we're here for you"

"..yeah...I gotta make a call" he said getting up leaving his laptop on the coffee table.

"hey, dad" he talked near a whisper as he checked behind him

"hey, how's it going son" he could hear the noise behind him.

"is something going on with you and mom?"

"why? she's with you?"

"yes...look whatever it is between you two, please fix it. I have troubles of my own"

"look, Felix. I have a meeting right now, your mom is just bored. she'll come back"

Felix sighed as his father hung up on him "thanks pops, real helpful " he whispered to himself before walking back out to the living room.

sitting on the floor cross legged in front of the mirror.
can't really see himself, he hates it. he hates it when he falls deep in his own head.

he keeps deciding to get up but never actually does.
feeling trapped in a statue posture , he wasn't like that and everyone knows it.

he is used to be the positive energy in the room, the smile in a gloomy day.
but now, taking all these meds, with these scares on his wrists.

"Sean" he flinched as his bedroom door opened " BBQ how does that sound" his brother suggested as he smiled back at him.


"OK, come down and help" he followed his big brother only to stop at his phone ringing.

he genuinely smiled at the name of Felix

"hey jack..quick , tell me to come to your place"
Sean frowned not understanding what's happening

"do I have to..I mean can you tell your parents that I can't come"  jack finally got it .

"no sorry, my parents keep insisting . you should come" he could see the smile on Felix's face even when he's not in front of him.

"OK..I'll come at 2" Felix replied before whispering a thank you.

"...are we clear" jack said as he heard a door shutting on the other side.

"yes, thank you"

"so , what was that all about?"

"my mom, she wants a family dinner..I don't want to go"

jack laughed at his friend "so..are you coming or was it just a save"

"of course I'm coming..oh have you checked the mix roomi made me"

"uhm..no, I think I'm logged out of all my accounts" jack chuckled a little awkwardly .

"..oh" he instantly regretted saying that.

"oh oh we're making BBQ today so hurry ,ok!" he talked fast and cheerfully making Felix smile wider.

"I will"

I know what you're thinking...'oooh that's a short chapter' . well, idk wth I'm writing and idk where this is going so yeah....

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