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"your hair look more on the blue side" Felix said ruffling with Jack's hair.

"stop" jack chuckled pushing Felix's hand away "I'm gonna redye it anyway "

'Flight 182 to California ,last call'

they both looked up to the ceiling (ceiling gang, boo) getting distracted from their conversation .

"where the fuck is sive?" jack complained as he looked around the airport.

" I don't know , he texted me that he's nearly here" Felix said checking his phone again " I think we just go to the plane, if he doesn't make it ,its his problem"

"...yeah, we can wait at the door" jack hesitantly agreed with Felix, he didn't want to let sive just miss the flight and gets into trouble of getting another one.

they started walking , Felix furiously texting sive.

they reached the door to the plane, there was one flight attendant and the team of mechanism.

"may I ascourt you to your seats, gentlemen?" she talked in a heavy Russian accent.

"actually, our friend is a little late. can we wait for him?" jack started talking but Felix cut him off.

"no,he's not making it" Felix let jack glanced at the text before walking inside the plane , he was very annoyed.

they were watching pheanis and ferb for the majority of the flight, Felix wanted to catch up as he doesn't get most of the memes about them.

but they eventually fell asleep...

jack walking half asleep, mindlessly following Felix to get their luggage.

" we can go to the hotel or we can get something to eat" Felix suggested as he put their suitcases on the ground.

"sleep" jack said rubbing his eye, Felix chuckled at how cute he looks.

"ok,..let's get you a place to sleep" he put a hand on jack's shoulder leading him out of the airport.

Mark ,Amy and Ethan were in mark's car .
they're meeting with the rest of the guys before going to prepare and sign for the conventions.

"its over there" Ethan argued ,pointing to the left from the back seat.

"no, you idiot. its still a little further ahead" mark answered inpatient as ethan was like that the whole ride.

"I'm pretty sure we missed it" Ethan continued arguing ,sticking his head between the driver and the passenger seat.

"I'm using Google maps, its right over there" mark held his phone up for Ethan to see, before putting it down as he turned to the parking lot.


Amy laughed at the blue haired boy. "let's go?" she said as mark put the car on park.

"yeah" they all got out of the car, walking towards the restaurant.

"oh, I see them!!" Ethan said as he jogged inside .

"I want one" Amy put on a puppy eyed face looking up at mark.

"no" mark answered without hesitation making her laugh.

they entered and walked towards the guys.

"hey, man.." they all started shaking hands and hugging before sitting down. PJ , Tyler and ken were there.

"where are the rest?" Ethan questioned , looking around the place.

" Felix and jack over slept but they're coming" PJ answered with his sweet smile before looking back to his phone.

they ordered their food and were talking about tones of random things and laughing.

before Felix came and sat on one of the empty seats "hey.." he greeted as he reached straight to pj's fries .

"hey man"

"no.." PJ said failing to block Felix away from his fries.

"where's your green version?" amy questioned as she looked around.

"virgin ?"Felix looked at her with a slightly frowned eyebrows and full confusion.

"no, version.." everyone laughed before she continued "where's jack?"

"oh..he was tired so I let him sleep" Felix answered ,chewing on the fries.

"...is he okay?" mark asked, not really looking up at him.

"yeah, yeah...he didn't sleep before the flight, that's all"

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