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The heart can't forget the memories that your head forgotten.

The sun kissed Taeyong's face... He raised his hand like he's tracing the light. He slightly smiled "Good morning Mr. Sun" he later sat down "Please greet him too... and tell him that my heart longed for him that much" then a knock on his door was heard "Come in" he responded.

Ajussi went in with a tray of food as Taeyong's breakfast. "You don't have to brought it here. I can join your table down there" as Ajussi placed the tray near him "You need to prepare yourself early" Taeyong looked up at him "But Ajussi---" "You're not an early bird Taeyong. I know how you move" He just cutely pout. He's still the same Taeyong that they knew... A cold - hearted looking young man with a beautiful heart and of course! A cutest side of him.

Ajussi slightly pinched his cheek "Eat your Breakfast and get change later" then left the room, leaving the bratty Taeyong a bit irritated by the fact that he had to take his breakfast inside his room.

right after he finished his cereal and milk, he quickly prepared himself up with Simple white shirt, Jeans with **** shoes that goes well with a Business coat.

He looked himself into his mirror "Hope the chaotic people aren't there today" he breath in and exited his room.


Taeyong sighed as they approached the site's entrance "They're still here" Taeyong commented and asked Ajussi to pulled over. He removed his jacket and went out. He approached them like a normal guy as them... before he could construct his words, He saw that one man who's still living inside his heart while he lived inside his forgotten memories, unexpectedly... his tears fall down without him knowing, his heart broke into million pieces all over again. That longing to hug him, kiss him and to tell him how much he love him with all those years. He's his first love... and would love to make him his last as well. He's not yet ready to let it go and to say a great farewell to it.

Taeyong later noticed the tears stains and wiped it out. He turned his back and walked away.

Doyoung noticed him walking away... He really want to call him but his heart hurts all of a sudden, an unclear memory suddenly flashes in front of his eyes. That one man on his back, walking away from 'him' and tears followed after.

As Taeyong walked not that far, Doyoung swallowed everything up and ran after him without any further thinking, Neglecting Jungwoo's calling him by his name.

"Excuse me--- Wait!" He called which made Taeyong's tracks stopped and turned just to see Doyoung running after him. As he reached him, Tears are still visible "Have we meet?" Taeyong locked his stares on him and later looked away "Do you think?" He try not to shed tears as Doyoung already was "I know this might sound so weird but... The first time I saw you, you looked really so familiar to me... That word... That word---" Tears streamed nonstop "What word?" Doyoung answered him with a sob in between his words "That word which kept on turning around my heart. That... You're once mine... but I don't know---" Taeyong hugged him all of a sudden "Don't force yourself if you don't know" he hugged him with a pat, Doyoung slowly hugged him back as he cried into his arms "My heart hurts and I don't know why..." Taeyong comforted him as Doyoung hugged him tighter until he's done crying into his arms.

"Can we stay like this for another minutes?" Doyoung requested Taeyong, without any other words... He let him do his request.


Doyoung let go and flashes a smile on Taeyong... "I'm sorry, I'm being so dramatic" Taeyong smiled at him "It's nothing" then he noticed Tears came out from Doyoung's eyes again, he wiped it "Anything wrong?" Doyoung looked down as he bitterly chuckle "Your smile and those words seems so familiar again... it hurts my heart" "Do you want me to never smile?" Doyoung looked up at him "No! Just keep on smiling... It's beautiful" "But with my smile, your heart hurts" "I don't know..." he looked down again then Taeyong pat his head "Just let me know if there's anything I could help you with" Taeyong took his steps away from him when he called again "Will we meet again?" Taeyong turn to look at him "Anytime" Doyoung walked in front of him and pass his phone "Can I have it?" Taeyong accepted it and typed his number then passed it back to him "What should I put your name here?" Doyoung asked cutely "TY" "TY?" Taeyong nod "I better go now... see you then" Doyoung answered him with a nod.


Doyoung went back to where Jungwoo was "Saw you two hugged. Why?" Doyoung looked at his cousin "I don't know... I felt so weak and helpless that time" "What's his name?"  "I don't know... He just asked me to put up his contact as 'TY' I don't know what it means... Thank you? Tease You? TharnType you? A what?!" Jungwoo chuckled then stopped as he remembered one of those sketch he had at home that have a 'TY' signature on it... A sketch of him with a man on his back while looking at him. The man he don't know... A broad back with a honey - like skin. With a beautiful killer smile which was visible on side viewed angle.

"It couldn't be him" he thought "or could be?" He sigh and shakes it off of his head

"You alright Jungwoo?" Doyoung startled him "Yeah... yeah..." "Think you're not" "Maybe it's best for us to go home... I'm tired with his rally thing already..." Doyoung nodded and left the group of people around that place.

"Hyung..." Jungwoo asked as Doyoung hit the road home "Yes?" "Will you and that TY going to meet again?" He asked him out of nowhere "I guess" "If so... ask him if TY means Tae Yong"

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