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Lucas got discharged and went straight back home, he sigh as he saw his cousin sitting on his own bed with a swollen eyes. He sat next to him and put his arm around his shoulder "Hyung... We're already grown up, Why not try to fight for your love?" Lucas looked at his cousin who's in deep pain "Ajussi told me about what you told him... Hyung, Do we still need to be dumb again?" Taeyong didn't look back at his cousin as his tears fall down. Heavily.

Lucas wiped his tears off "Ajussi also told me that you lied to him..." Taeyong at this time look at his giant cousin "Yes, That I need to go back to the States." "When it's not true" Lucas can hear how broken his cousin was, with those weak voice and that unstoppable tears, instead of talking about more... He hugged him, to give him comfort. He knew Taeyong had a record of birth illness, He's afraid maybe it all came back around... He's afraid to see him struggle again since the last time it occurs was when they left Korea, He's in deep pain... and that occurs. He didn't know that it also occurs when He and Justin meet an accident those years... That Taeyong almost died that time. He's so afraid that maybe this time, He'll lose him... He don't want that.

But then, after Lucas caress his cousin's hair... The door opened and revealed their Parents, From Taeyong's Mom and Dad to Lucas' Mom and Dad... Taeyong's mom ran to him and took him around her hugs as he cried into her. Her heart's been so broken to see his last son in deep pain again, His dad walked towards them with Tears on his very own eyes and hugged both of his love "Don't cry our Yong... You'll be fine... We're going to fix this... Please---" his sobs are heard and Lucas with his parents stood by them, Tears are also visible.

Why is it so?

Because they are all afraid maybe he'll struggle again with those illness... They are all afraid to lose their Taeyong.

"He's been through a lot, he deserves to be happy" Lucas' mom said enough for his Husband and son to hear "We're going to fix this..." He looked at his son "We're going to fix this for the both of you..." Lucas nodded "Let me go with you..." "No son, Taeyong needs you to be by his side..." Lucas looked towards Taeyong "Yeah, I agree..." He realized it in a single blink, That's how afraid he is to lose him.

Taeyong later fall asleep under his mom's arms "He fell asleep crying... Poor baby boy" His aunt said as he sat next to her sister and Nephew... She caress his hair gently "Lucas' been worried a lot about him and our heart's been hurt so much as his tears" "How's Lucas?" "He's crying downstairs on his father's arms... He's afraid that maybe there might happen to his cousin. He can't bare to see him suffer again... After all those pains he had, Lucas' heart also been broken when Taeyong's heart was" Tears escaping her eyes as much as her sister's tears "We're here to make it all clear for both parties, We'll fix this... Our sons had enough and it hurts so much already" Taeyong's Mom said it as she looked at her sister.


Taeyong woke and saw his cousin sleeping next to him, holding his hand firmly... He smiled at the thought that he had families to lean on no matter what but Doyoung's face came cross over as well as his 2nd meeting of Doyoung's stepmother and Father that time he brought him home.

Taeyong brought the sleeping Doyoung home after he fell asleep into his arms. As soon as he twist the doorknob, it was open... He suspected maybe thieves went inside but he tried to be strong...

He went inside to put Doyoung inside his room and saw his stepmother and Father... They saw him carrying Doyoung but she still slapped him hard! Taeyong keep his balance so he won't fall and Hurt Doyoung...

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from Doyoung! You're just a poor young trash! Do you think you can make enough living to raise Doyoung? You are poor!!! A man without any penny! Cause if there is! There must be a wallet or something inside that disgusting jeans of yours! But you have none! Do you think you can raise money for even thousands?! Enough to sustain Doyoung and us?! No!!! Cause you're just a poor boy living in a poor damn family!!!" She sigh and glared at him before moving downstairs and was going to leave, Doyoung's father just tap his shoulder with embarrassment...

"Thank you for bringing my son home safely... I'm sorry that you have to suffer it again... Im sorry for the pain once again" Taeyong looked at him "I hope you can voiced out someday and I also hope that you'll listen to your own sons rather with that woman" Doyoung's father caught off guard by Taeyong's words and then followed his 2nd wife to leave.


Taeyong went inside to Doyoung's room and tucked him in... Tears escaping his eyes with his heavy heart. He later heard the car engine going far, Taeyong sat on the floor and looked at his sleeping bunny...

He then decided to wrote a letter telling him that he'll leave Korea... His heart was in total mess and the fact that he don't want to make Doyoung suffered in the arms of his stepmother...

As Taeyong wrote that letter for Doyoung, His tears always fall down. Unstoppable. He swallowed his sons and put the letter neatly before leaving the innocent bunny alone.

His steps became heavier and heavier each time he took it... He drove home and saw Ajussi still up, waiting for him to come back.

Taeyong bite his lips as his knees weakened, Ajussi caught him just in time... He cried into his arms and start to tell him about what happened, after Ajussi asked him to spill everything out.


Taeyong's in tears again, turned his back to his cousin and started to cry over and over again. Lucas woke up from his cousin's movement and put all his hands on his shoulders, trying to make Taeyong face him back...

Visible tears... a broken heart...

"Do you want to go off somewhere?" Lucas asked as soon as the both of them sat up "Hyung?" Taeyong didn't responded "Let's go to the mountain we love... let's take a fresh air" Taeyong looked up at him "How about Jungwoo? Aren't you going to see him?" Lucas shakes his head "I told him that we both needed a rest... but my rest will be great if you'll be fine... Let's go there"


After Lucas drive themselves out of Seoul, ONE GREAT NEWS BEEN ON AIR without the boys' knowing.

Their grandparents from both sides (Their Mothers' side and Fathers' side) came to Korea with an irritated expression, not because of the media bit because they are all been feed up from discriminating their grandsons and the one that they most mad off? They learned that someone physically hurt Taeyong, when even them or anyone who helped them to raise the boys didn't even laid a finger on them nor plucking a single strand of their hair.

Their grandparents are both well - known Billionaires

Though Taeyong and Lucas' are known as the sons of a millionaires, it was only counted as their own, The two became millionaires because of their hardworks... But seeing on the other side,  They were truly the sons of a billionaires...

"United State's and United Kingdom's billionaires arrived in Korea"

Then followed by...

"The United billionaires came to Korea due to their Grandsons being discriminated and called 'Trash' "

The boys are too innocent about their grandparents arrival... and about the great chaos that just happened around Seoul.

"We're here" Lucas said as he looked at his cousin "Lucas?" "Yes Hyung?" He asked after they went out from the car "Do you think Ajussi told our grandparents about this happening?" Lucas sigh "Ajussi didn't told them" Taeyong looked quickly at his cousin with a few spark on his eyes "But they heard it" "What? How?" "I was in call with grandma, our Mother's Mum... She heard it and asked what was happening... Even though it's just a call, You can feel her flares coming right out from here" Taeyong looked down "I caused another mess" Lucas put his hands on his shoulder that makes Taeyong looked back at him...

"You didn't caused a mess hyung... They did"

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