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They were invited inside and the old couple's aren't impressed about the place, Yes... it was clean since the little boy did all the cleaning, They aren't impress because of how lot of useless antics are there.

They sat there as they both sigh in disbelief... when that woman just called the little boy as if he's already a grown up man and a total slave...

"Hey kid! Bring me a glass of juice and asked them what they wanted then bring it here! Faster!" The boy act fast and asked Taeyong's Family but they refuged,  telling him that they're alright.

Taeyong's mom and Dad looked at the boy with so much pity, Their heart's been broken though he's not their son "His eyes reminded me of the boy we lost at the port..." Taeyong's grandpa whispered at his son "I feel the same too" he replied "Our Donghyukie"

While the boy prepares the Juice, Doyoung's  stepmother started "So, you said earlier that you'll tell me how much your trash can sustain Doyoung. I don't see a penny nor papers on your pocket, from both of you" she said as the boy handed her the juice, Taeyong's mom breath deep and contradicts the woman's prideful expression while raising her eyebrows "Yes, we don't have money here, So what?" "See? You can't even afford to buy expensive clothes nor had money. How come your TRASH can sustain---" She's been cut off by Taeyong's grandmother "How much do you want? We know that you sale Doyoung to that Rich man's son so you could have thousands. Is that how you see Doyoung's value? Just 90,000 USD? You always said How can our TAEYONG sustain Doyoung? Well, he could! More than you thought it would be" she glared at her "With the poor situation you had? You can say those words---" "My Mom asked you how much money do you want?!" "Do you think it's easy to convince---" "Shut up! Just name the price! This is what you wanted right? Selling Doyoung? And after that if the relationship sailed, you'll never touch him ever but if it flop, You'll resale him over and over again! Was Doyoung some kind of your antics? Doyoung isn't your son! You're just the mistress who poisoned Doyoung's Mom! For his father's money! And now the money's almost gone... You treated them badly. Even your own son" Taeyong's grandfather spilled the tea and he's referring to the boy earlier. The couple across Taeyong's Family widen their eyes about how they knew those information but that evil woman found a hole to change the topic, she recovered her posture "That kid? He's not our son! He's adopted that why he's a slave..." and smiled evilly "You said that I'll name the price... well then, You wanted to freed Doyoung from us as well as that Kid over there" "Name it" Taeyong's Mom spoke back again "We'll take the kid first before we'll give you what you wanted" The women stood up and took the boy out since he said he had nothing to bring and he already had his necklace with him all the time.

"Okay, name the price" Taeyong's grandpa asked calmly while holding his son's hand "I'll call $1000, 000" she said "We'll give you €1000,000" added Taeyong's Dad "wow! Look who's rich---" "give us all the boy's records and papers and we'll give you that amount. CASH" she smirked and ordered her husband to get it.

After the phone call of Taeyong's grandpa from whoever was behind the phone,  as they received the kid's documents, A most well - known banker that was assigned for Millionaires to Billionaires arrived the area, with the bags full of money. Their eyes widened even more "What's this?" She asked shockingly. The Father & Son stood up as those men filed the money in front of the cruel woman "As you see, Our Taeyong can sustain Doyoung much more than what those rich men you knew could ever show. Our Taeyong isn't a trash, our family isn't a trash either. We're just living the life we wanted, the most simpler life, the most and greatest one." Taeyong's Dad smile as his dad added "Before we left, let us tell you this one thing. Taeyong's a millionaire with his own hardwork but he's a total billionaire since he's one of our Heir. He grew up as the grandson of the billionaires but living the life like what most people were. So don't say that he's a TRASH because the fact to follow, YOU'RE THE ONLY TRASH HERE" then they left after saying those words.

"How's it go?" Taeyong's Mom asked her husband and he showed her the kid's papers "We got him..." She nodded "You know what? Only Doyoung's stepmother was the cruel one" he looked at his Mother "Jungwoo's parents were already waiting for Lucas' family to asked Jungwoo to them and nothing else" she added "So we can set Lucas and Jungwoo's wedding---" She glared at his husband "Not yet... We still need to fix our Taeyong's" she said with a lot of hope on her heart.

Then they turned to the boy and asked "What's your name little man?" Taeyong's Dad asked him... He smile back at them with that one and most beautiful one, Those smile that feels like the Sun, "I've been waiting to be out from that house and to find a family that will love me" They smile so happily with the young man's words

As the boy added his name...

"I'm Haechan"

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