Bowling alley

12 0 0


In my car it ended up being me and F/n in the front seats with coincidentally Kairi and Alejandro in the back. Were just vibing to music when F/n turns down the radio.

F/n: I just realized we never got your names.

Alejandro: Im Alejandro but you can call me Ale for short.

Kairi: im Kairi but call me Kai

y/n: Nice names, well im y/n

F/n: Im F/n but call me n/n for short

(n/n = nickname :))

y/n: or you can call her a maldita vaca ( i don't speak a lot of Spanish so that was from google translate😂)

F/n: I hate when she talks in Spanish cause I cant understand a single bit of that shit!

Alejandro: She called you a damn cow

y/n: Damn Ale you aint had to expose me like that

F/n: y/n!

she says as she slaps my arm.

We are finally here. We are all waiting for the rest of the boys to pull up. So i figured i'd talk to Kairi

y/n: Hey Kai.

Kairi: Whats up

He says looking up from his phone

y/n: sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable at the hotel i saw you blushing once i called you cute

Kairi: Oh no, i-uh- no u didn't, its fine.

y/n: What are y'all doing in North Carolina anyways?

Kairi: we were just here for vacation since its summer break and we had only been here before for tour so we weren't really able to do anything. What about you?

y/n: Well me and F/n are both originally from Raleigh but this summer our parents let us stay here the whole break by ourselves

Kairi: Lucky, my mom would barely let me out of her sight for this long

Then Roshaun and the rest of the guys pulled up. We went in and payed and everything and started bowling. about 2 hours into bowling it was 12:00 am i look and see F/n laying her head on Ale. So i told Kairi that me and F/nare gonna go ahead and head home.

Kairi: Ok. Oh I was wondering if maybe i could get your socials and your number?

y/n: Definitely!

I gave him my number and he told us which room he was in. In the car now.

y/n: sooooo... F/n what happened between you and Ale??

F/n: Nothing we just talked about ex's and stuff i got his number and stuff. What about you and Kairi?

y/n: Nothing really just talked about summer break and what not but i also got his socials and stuff.

were back at the room watching tiktoks when i get a message

                             ~ The Messages~


hey. Its Kairi


                                                                                                                                                                                                       oh hey ;)

               y/n changed (908)-355-5484 to Kairi ;)

Kairi ;)

I like the name ;)

                                                                                                                                                             .                                                                              y/n


Kairi ;)

nothing i was wondering if you wanted to come by

                                                                                                                                                       .                                                                                 y/n
Ale will have to be lonely cause Abby is already asleep

Kairi ;)

Thats fine i was wondering if you actually wanted to come over and just talk

                                                                                                                                                      .                                                                              y/n

                                                                                                                              say less... And do you drink

Kairi ;)

hell yeah bring some coronas ;)

                                                                                                                                                        .                                                                            y/n

                                                                                                                                         .                                                              ok omw ;)

I wrote F/n a letter that i was at Kairi's and not to worry

Word count:548

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