The Mall pt.2

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We get to the mall and i see Celia start walking over to us

Kairi: Hey babe!

Celia: Hey Kai Kai

Kairi: Everyone this is Celia!

Everybody has like a weird expression on their face. I see y/n and F/n whispering to each other but i didn't think anything of it. Were walking and i see Kio put his arm around y/n, i get a little jealous so i put my arm around Celia.

F/n: If we go to Victoria Secret can you guys come with us?

I don't really know what Victoria secret is so.

Mattia: Why would we need to go in there with you?

y/n: Because one creepy old men like to hit on us in there and two we need you to tell us if we look good in something

Roshaun: Wouldn't it be awkward?

F/n: Only if you make it awkward

She wasn't wrong. All the boys look at each other and nod in agreement, im guessing Celia didn't care since she didn't say anything.

After like 2 minutes of being in there Celia comes up to all the boys and holds up a bra to her chest and ask everyone if she would look good in it. I didn't think that was right so i was going to say yea but then y/n comes up to us with a bra like twice the size of Celia's 😮🤣. Then she goes on to ask if she would look good in it, none of the boys say anything without realizing were all staring. Then Celia get me out of my trance.

Celia: Hey why are you looking at her like that?

Kairi: Looking at her like what? She asked us if she looked good in it.

Celia: 🙄

She still doesn't know that we slept together while we were talking. I don't think im gonna tell her. The boys are behind the girls when their going to check out when they say

F/n: Hey can you guys come wait by the dressing room for us?

Mattia: Yea why?

y/n: Don't worry about why.

The girls go into the dressing room and Mattia calls us into a group without Celia.

Mattia: *I think its pretty obvious what the girls are doing*

Alvaro: * yea bro. I wonder what there trying on, cant wait to see y/n*

Kairi: * hey bro don't talk about her like that*

Alvaro: * why do you care your dating Celia and you already got to sleep with her*

Kairi: * Yea yea whatever*

Mattia: *Either way make sure to keep your shit under control cause im sure their gonna be wearing something sexual. Especially you two* ^points to Alvaro and Alejandro^

We get out the group and the girls come out the dressing room but i don't look up until y/n says

y/n: Sooooo guys how do we look ^she says as she spins^

I look up and see y/n in this tight ass lingerie, god damn! Omg i got to keep myself under control. Celia then gets up and sits on my lap knocking me out of my trance i look over and see Alejandro about to die.

Alvaro: You look fine as hell!

y/n: Thank you Alvaro

Mattia: Yea you might want to go change before the boys start going crazy.

Damn she did look good as fuck. Anyways we all leave Victoria secret and stop by the food court and eat. y/n says she will be right back then i see Celia get up soon after. About 10 minutes later they both come back, Celia has a kind of sad-mad looking expression.

Celia: *You won't never believe what your little friend y/n did too me*

Kairi: *what did she do*

Celia: *So i go to the bathroom and as im leaving she pushes me against the wall and calls me a slut, hoe, and a whore and she says she is going to take you from me*

Wait what! Would y/n really do that, i can't believe and to think i had just forgave her. I look at her and i think she knows im pissed but me and Celia just leave. Were now driving

Celia: Want to come over to my place

Kairi: Nah just take me to the hotel

Celia: Ok

We get to the hotel and im just chilling till the girls and the boys come in.

Word count: 735

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