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~1 months later~

Emilio is now 1 months. He's most just a little bit bigger. Kairi has been coming over almost everyday to hold him and mess around with him and so have the boys. Mattia comes too but only fof a while and he'll leave. He's changed the week after his birthday. But as long as he visits his son I'm ok with it.

I had already eaten my breakfast and I had fed Emilio his bottle since he stopped breastfeeding. I burped him and sat him fine in his walker and he was watching "Coco" since that's the only movie he'll stay quiet with and watch it. Aliz was at school so I was going to pick her up when called because she had after school tutoring. I cleaned the house washed Emilio and changed him into

 I cleaned the house washed Emilio and changed him into

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I put a bib on him and Aliz told me to pick her up at Mrs.Jones since she wants to see Emilio. I said ok and put Emilio in his car seat buckled him in the car and drove to school. Since school had ended an hour and a half ago no one was barley there. I just took Emilio out his car seat and put a blanket over him since it was chilly out. I walked into the school and walked to Mrs.Jones class

"Aww he's so tiny"
Ms.Jones said in a high pitched voice

I handed her Emilio and she was talking to him and he was smiling at her. I caught up with Ms. Jones and then Aliz and I had to go do I grabbed Emilio and said bye to Ms. Jones.

My phone rang and I grabbed it from my back pocket and it was Kairi



Hey y/n. I heard your at the school and wanna pick me up and we can go eat?

Yea sure. Where are you?

I'm practicing fro soccer but you guys can wait at the bleachers?


I hung up the phone and told Aliz. We walked to the soccer field and seen the soccer team practicing. Kairi waved at us and we waved back and sat down at the bottom of the bleachers looking at them.

"Ok let me hold him before Kairi takes him"
Aliz said

I handed her Emilio and went on my phone for a bit until someone walked in front of me

"hi I'm Lena"

"oh hi, I'm y/n"

she shook my hand and she introduced herself to Aliz

"so what are you doing here?"
Lena asked

"waiting for our friend"
I said

"so that's Mattia's baby?"


"you sure it's Mattia's baby?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I don't think it's Mattia's baby. You probably hooked up with some other guy at that party"

"The only guy I hooked up with was Mattia. So what do you want Lena?"

"Mattia is mine. Got that? So you can stop talking to him"

"Take Mattia, he didn't want to be part of this baby's life for while till he met him. So you can have Mattia all you want"

"Oh I will"

She smirked and shoved me but before anything went down Kairi ran to us

"hey guys. I'm done with practice. Lena go"

She walked up and hugged Mattia and she kissed him. I grabbed Emilio from Aliz and walked away and they followed us

"you okay y/n?"
Kairi asked

"she's fine. But Lena kept telling her Mattia's here's and to back off"
Aliz said

"Just ignore her. She goes around with everyone and I honestly have no idea why Mattia is dating her"

Mattia called my name but I ignored it and put Emilio in the car and we drove off to Chipotle

"Aliz and I will go get the food you can stay with Emilio"
Kairi said

I nodded and they walked out and I went on my phone for a bit when Mattia called me


I said

"hey, I yelled out your name but you didn't look back?"

"yea. Emilio was just fussy"

"is he okay?"

"he's fine Mattia"

"are you okay? You sound mad?"

"I'm fine, you should go back to Lena. She said I can't talk to you."

"no y/n it's ju-

I hung up on him and Aliz and Kairi came back in the car

"Wanna go to my house? It got boring at yours"
Kairi said

Aliz and I agreed and I drove to Kairis house and once we got there Kairi got him off with the car seat and Aliz and I took the food inside.

We walked inside following Kairi into his room and he took out Emilio from the car seat and laid him on the bed and we sat down too.

We were all eating and talking then we put on a movie

"We're are the rest of the boys?"
Aliz said.

"they had to go home. They couldn't hang out with us"
Kairi said

We continued watching the movie and I laid down on Kairi bed and Aliz was sitting down on the chair and Kairi sat on his bed and I fell asleep with Emilio

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