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I woke up to Emilio crying and I got up making him a bottle and feeding him. He fell back to sleep and I got up taking a shower remembering what happened last night and how I may have ruined my friendship with Aliz and Mattia. Why did Kairi have to kiss me? Why did he have to ruin this? I was getting on good terms with Mattia. I was getting happy again. I know Kairi didn't mean to mess things up but he didn't have to kiss me

I got out the shower changing into sweats and a sweater and putting on socks. I sat down on the bed and started crying. I tried calling Aliz but she didn't answer the 3 times I've tried. I tried calling Mattia but it went straight to voicemail

I heard a knock on my door and quickly wiped my tears

"come in"
I said

Chris walked in the room seeing my eyes red

"what's wrong?"
He said

I said fake smiling

"y/n, what's wrong?"
He said again

"I think I just lost my best friend and the guy I started to fall for"
I said crying again and put my face in my hands

Chris walked up to me sitting down and pulled me into a hug

"what happened?"
He asked

"I was changing Emilio when Kairi walked in and he looked at me and kissed me and then Aliz and Mattia walked in seeing me push Kairi off. The other day Aliz said she had feelings for Kairi and Mattia and I have been getting closer and they won't answer my calls or texts"
I said

"and he kissed you because?"
He asked

"because he said when we first started hanging out he had something for me but he seen Mattia starting to like me and pushed his feeling down then Mattia told him Aliz likes him and he likes her too but he wanted to see if he still had feeing for me and he kissed me, then I tried telling Aliz and Mattia that I didn't want to kiss Kairi but Aliz ran off and I tried to chase her but Mattia grabbed me and he looked at the floor and I tried walking to him but he just walked away and I told Kairi to leave"
I said

"give them time. there mad and sad right now. But you've known Aliz since elementary school and you guys are like sisters, she'll come back"
He said

"and Mattia?"
I said

"you really like him? Thought you hated him after he left"
He said

"I did, but then I don't know what happened. I just, I just felt something with him after hanging out and I didn't hate him anymore. And now he hates me"
I said

Chris hugged me and talked to me for 30 minutes until he said he had to do some things so I laid on the bed trying to take my mind off of things

As soon as I seen them two kissing I just felt my heart sink. Seeing my best friend. The person I told everything to kiss the guy I told her I liked. I thought I could trust her? We've been friends for so long and she does this to me?

I've been ignoring her calls and texts. I don't want to talk to her. Not now.

How could Kairi kiss the one girl I actually like? Why would he kiss her? He knew I liked her! He knows I love her! And he does some shit like that?! I don't even want to speak to y/n right now, she's been calling me but I don't want to see her now, I just, I thought she wanted something with me

what did I do? I kissed my best friends girl?! I know their not dating but I shouldn't have kissed her knowing he likes her! What's was I thinking?! Kissing her?! There was just this rush of emotion of me wanting to kiss her! but I regretted it as son as she pushed me off and we looked at aliz and Mattia staring at us. I have to talk to Mattia. So I'm sorry for what I did

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