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I fell asleep on Mattia's bed for a couple hours and woke up to him yelling, he was playing with the boys on his game and Emilio was asleep beside me

Mattia-oh sorry
he turned around whispering

Y/n-come here

He took off his headset and walked up to me laying beside me on the bed, I grabbed his hand placing it on my stomach since I felt the baby start to kick

as soon as he felt the kicking his face lit up and a big smile formed on his face

Mattia-that's the first time I felt that

he said as his eyes got teary, I started to laugh which made the baby kick more

a couple minutes go by and he had fallen asleep hugging Emilio, I got up quietly going to the bathroom so I can shower since it was starting to get dark

After I got out the shower I changed into Mattia's clothes

I heard his mom yell out my name so I walked upstairs

she told me she was making dinner but wanted me to sit on the couch so she can rub coconut oil on my stomach.

I sat on the couch as she started to rub the coconut oil on

" what are you doing?"
Mattia asked coming up with Emilio

"she said coconut oil helps with stretch marks"

Mattia put Emilio on the floor so he could crawl around and eventually gian Mattia little brother came down and was playing with him

we were all talking till i noticed Mattia was on his phone a lot texting someone. I didn't ask who since it wasn't my business but I was curious

"hey I'll be back, I gotta go get something, I'll be back in an hour"
he kissed my forehead and just walked out the door

Two hours go by and we had finished dinner about an hour ago so I put Mattia's food in the fridge. His mom had put Emilio to sleep so I just changed him making sure he wouldn't wake up, I put him in his crib then texted Mattia to see where was he, he texted back saying he was on his way so I turned the TV on and laid down on the bed

Skip to morning
Emilio woke me up at 6am so I changed him and he was watching a movie on Mattia's Tv, i heard his phone keep off so I looked at it and seen a the contact name "Vic" I didn't think much of it but I woke him up since he has to go to school. He dropped me off at home.    

Aliz-I missed you
she said hugging me

Y/n-I was gone for a day?

Aliz-yea and I was stuck with Kairi all day

Y/n-do you know a girl named Vic?

Aliz-I don't think so, why?

Y/n-Mattia was gone most of the day yesterday and his phone was blowing up this morning and I looked at the contact name which is Vic

Aliz-ask the boys later on, don't stress about right now, I'll order some food

Sorry I've been inactive

but OH MY GOD! so this boy in my neighborhood is VERY hot, I've known him since elementary school hit I haven't talked to him since and we talked here and there in 8th grade but I recently seen him like a week ago and I'm simping! He is so cute! And Tall! TALL! I'm 5'10 and its hard seeing taller guys than me! But guys he I passed by him the other day and he said "hi johanna" (that's my name btw) and I swear he smiled! And it took me a second to say hi back cause I was nervous!

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