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I didn't proof read this

~Next day~
I woke up on my bed next to aliz who was still asleep. I got up and grabbed some clothes taking a shower since I didn't last night. After about 45 minutes I'm the shower I got out and changed into some jeans and a t-shirt. I walked out the bathroom and put on some socks and then my shoes

"where are you going"
Aliz said sitting on the bed rubbing her eyes

"I have to get some things for the house and Emilio, I just showered since I didn't last night and might as well get dressed up"
I said

"I'll go with you"
She said getting up and putting on her shoes

I said

I grabbed my phone and walked to Chris's room opening it and he was on his phone

"I'm going to the store to get some things. Wanna come with me and Aliz!"
I asked

He said getting up and putting hi shoes on and garb I grabbing sweater

He grabbed his keys and we all got in the car and he drove to the store

We got off and I got some food for the house and got some formula for Emilio

"so has Mattia talked to you?"
Chris asked

"No, I'm just gonna leave him alone"
I said

I heard someone say and I turned around

"oh hey Mariano"
I said hugging him

"hey. Sorry if don't text back, I-

He was cut off

"babe, there you are"

He was cut off by Lena

Aliz said

"we gotta go. Or else y/n is gonna take you"
Lena said annoyed

"I'm just talking to her"
Mariano said

"and she was just talking to my ex too"
She said

"alright. Let's go y/n"
Chris said grabbing my arm

Lena said

Chris started walking away

"what happened?"
I said

"Lena and I go back"
He said

"what do you mean?"
Aliz said

"I dated her for 2 weeks in high school when she was a freshman and I was a junior. She got really attached and clingy. Didn't want me talking to anyone and I broke up with her"
He said

"you dated Lena?!"
I said

"I regret it ok"
He said

Aliz said

"ok forget about it"
Chris said

We payed for everything and went back home

"so are you gonna go get Emilio!"
Aliz asked

"I should. It's almost 1pm, wanna come Chris?"
I said

He nodded and we decided to walk to Mattia's house

I was with Emilio on the grass in front of my house and he was playing with the tour I got for him when Kairi and the boys got there

"go home kai"
I said

"I'm not leaving. I told you the truth Mattia. Your supposed to forgive me"
He said

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