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We were at home and It was a Saturday mourning. Mattia was asleep hugging me as I just woke up, I checked the time seeing it was almost 12pm, I got up since I had morning sickness

as my head was over the toilet I felt someone grab my hair pulling it away from my face. I looked up seeing Mattia half asleep

"thank you"
I said wiping my mouth

he nodded his head as his eyes were still closed. I flushed the toilet then got up washing my hands and brushing my teeth

I walked back into the room changing into some shorts and one of Mattia's t-shirts since we were going to be getting all of aliz's stuff

"Emilio was up all night"
Mattia groaned

"you couldn't get up once to get him"

"you were already up"
he said

"it's your turn next time"
I said walking out the door as he followed me

We walked down stairs seeing the boys playing with Emilio and Aliz on the couch laughing

Mattia-when did you guys get here?
He said walking down the stairs

Alejandro- around 10
he said holding Emilio

Roshaun-what time are we gonna get aliz's stuff?

Kairi-like right now

Aliz-my mom should be leaving to work right now, so we have the whole day to get the stuff

Y/n-well we're going right now, so get up and get in the car and we'll go after we eat cause I just through you last nights dinner

She said getting up

Alvaro-damn, you guys are always hungry

the boys all starred at Alvaro with their eyes wide open

I'll buy you guys a box of cookies if you don't kill me
He said looking at y/n and Aliz

two, y/n always eats all of them


it's that easy? I took a bite of her sandwich and she made me sleep on the floor!

you could have asked first

I asked Aliz for a bite of her food and she no

I never liked sharing my food when I wasn't pregnant

Alright, let's go cause I'm hungry
he put Emilio in his car seat and into the car

We took 2 separate cars and drove to aliz's house

we made sure her mom wasn't home and she unlocked the front door

We walked in her room and she grabbed some trash bags and started to put her clothes in and we helped

So we're just gonna get your clothes?

yea and my shoes and just some other things I need

Alright. Well we'll put your clothes in the car and everything else

and Aliz and i will be in the front making sure no one comes

and we'll get food after, cause if not the girls are going to kill us

Aliz and I sat down on the front porch with Emilio as the guys put the boxes in the trunk of the car

hey babe, where's Chris?

he had to go back to college

hurry up! I'm hungry and you guys take so long!
she whined

there were done!

Mattia grabbed Emilio and I got up from the steps

We got in the car and drove to eat

after we finished eating we drove back home and Emilio had fallen asleep in the car so Mattia put him in my room. the boys took the boxes out of the car and into the room Aliz was going to be in

thank you guys

no problem. you guys need anything else?

no, I gotta clean some clothes and my room

we're gonna go in the pool right now and a couple more of our friends are coming over

I nodded and walked upstairs getting everything I needed and walked into the laundry room, Aliz was fixing her room while I fixed the house

a couple hours go by and I had finished washing the clothes and cleaning the house, Emilio has woken up so he was in his crib messing around with a teddy bear Mattia's mom got him, I was in the room fixing my clothes when I heard people yelling

I got up and grabbed Emilio from his crib and walked out the room and Aliz walked out hers. We both walked downstairs and to the back where the pool was and Mattia was arguing with some guy while everyone surrounded them

Aliz and I looked at each other confused as to why he was arguing but we also didn't want to go outside, after a while of him arguing with the you I seen Mattia throw a punch and they started to fight

I handed Emilio to Aliz and ran to the group of people yelling out for them to stop

Mattia turned around and the guy he was fighting looked at me and smirked

"so this the girl"
He walked towards me but Alejandro walked in front of me

Alejandro-I'll beat the shit out of you if you touch her

The guy chuckled a bit and backed up, his friends pushed him away and they walked out of the house, I looked at Mattia and grabbed his hand pulling him to the bathroom and shutting the door

"what was that?"
I said calmly

"he kept talking shit about you and Emilio and I got pissed!"
he yelled out which caused me to jump a bit

his face dropped as soon as he seen me jump, his eyes began to water, he covered his face and I heard him crying

he just looked at me and got up from the sink and walked upstairs to the room

Teenage Parents | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now