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I didn't proof read this

I woke up to Mattia wrapped around me. His shirt was off and he was wearing his basketball shorts. His head was on my chest while his arm was over me. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I just looked at him smiling a bit. Playing with his fluffy hair. Was I really doing this? Were Mattia and I really doing this? We're being parents. Together. No fighting. We're talking, he's in his sons life. I can see where Emilio gets his sleeping face from.

"stop staring at me"
Mattia mumbled

"I'm not staring. I'm admiring"
I said

"admiring what? My big ass nose"
He said getting up facing me

"I like your big nose"
I said smiling

"oh yea. That made me feel so much better"
He said sarcastically smiling at me

He got on top of me covering us with the blanket from head to Toe and started kissing me then we heard the door open and Mattia flopped beside me on the bed

"I'm gonna take Emilio to go see some of my friends at work since they've been asking. I'll come back in a bit"
My mom said

I said

She was about to shut the door when she said something

"and if your gonna make another baby aim for a girl"
She said

"I got you Mrs. Jimenez"
Mattia said

My mom shut the door and I looked at Mattia who was smiling at me

"your moms cool"
He said

"My moms something else"
I said

"you heard your mom, we gotta aim for a girl"
Mattia getting up and kissing my neck and I started laughing

"stop laughing"
Mattia said

I flipped Mattia over so I was sitting on top of him

"Oh I like this"
Mattia said gripping my hips and smiling

"what are we going to do today"
I asked

He said sitting up while between my legs

"what do you wanna do"
He asked

"right now. I wanna eat"
I said

"alright. Then get ready so we can go"
He said

I kissed him and got off of his lap and grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom and started to take a shower. Mattia walked in the bathroom and started brushing his teeth

"you could have knocked"
I said

"and like I said before. I've seen every inch of your body and put a baby in you"
He said

"cause your pull out game is weak"
I said

"shut up. I was drunk"
He said and I started laughing

After a while I got out the shower and changed into my outfit. Then Mattia got in the shower

I put on my socks and shoes and started to do my makeup and a little while after Mattia came out the bathroom with the towel wrapped around his waist

After we were finished getting ready we called Kairi


He mumbled like he just woke up

where's my car?
Mattia said

My house after I took Aliz home
He said

Well I need it
Mattia said

Fine, I'll be there in 5
Kairi said then hung up

We walked downstairs to the front porch and sat down in the steps waiting for Kairi to come

After a couple minutes he pulled up to the drive way

"so how was your date with Aliz?"
Mattia asked

"good actually, I thought it was going to be awkward but it was good"
Kairi said

"What did you guys do?"
I said

"I took her out to eat and then we walked around the beach for a bit. Then I took her home"
Kairi said

I said

"can we go eat now"
Mattia said

"Yes, wanna come Kairi or you can stay here if you want?"
I asked

"I'll go, I'm hungry"
Kairi said getting in the back seat of the car

Mattia and I got in and Mattia started driving go Waffle House. Once we got there they gave us a table and we sat down and Mattia got a call

Mattia said

"where are you?"
I heard Alejandro say

"Waffle House with y/n and kai, why?"
Mattia asked

"and you didn't invite us?"
Roshaun said

"it was only supposed to be y/n and I"
Mattia said

"too bad we're going"
Alvaro said and they hung up

Mattia sighed and smiled at me

We ordered everyone their food and after 10 minutes the boys sat with us

"so Kairi how was your date with Aliz?"
Roshuan said raising his eyebrows and smiling while the boys hyped his up

Kairi said

"why'd you say like that?"
Alejandro said

"it's just, I don't know. I don't think Aliz had a good time"
Kairi said

"well y/n can talk to her"
Mattia said sitting in front of me

"yea sure, she was probably just nervous"
I said

We got out food ate and talked for a bit and got back to my house

I need ideas

Btw in chapter 10 I accidentally put "1/8/20" for Emilio's birth date but I meant "5/8/20"

Teenage Parents | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now