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Woke up the next morning and Mattia wasn't in bed so I assumed he was downstairs with the boys and Emilio, I brushed my teeth and walked downstairs seeing Alejandro and Kairi but Mattia Alvaro and roshaun weren't

Alejandro-morning, I changed Emilio since I dropped some syrup on him

Kairi-and by some he means about half of the bottle

Alejandro-I didn't know the lid was off!

I chuckled and walked to the kitchen as Aliz handed me a plate of pancakes

Aliz-and Mattia?

Y/n-I don't know
I said shrugging my shoulders

The door opened revealing roshaun and Alvaro

Y/b-hey guys, where's Mattia?

Roshaun-don't know, Alvaro and I went to get some snacks for later

Y/n-for what?

Aliz-their dragging up to the park

Kairi-you guys are always here and honestly you need some sun

Y/n-I also need my boyfriend who hasn't been here in almost 2 days and hasn't called or texted me

Alejandro-I talked to him the other day but all he said was he was busy and hung up

Kairi-yea he's been acting kind of weird

Aliz shoved my shoulder and raised her eyebrows

Y/n-do you guys know someone named Vic?

they all looked at me and frowned their eye brows

Roshaun-Ale's ex?

Alejandro-why what's up?

Y/n-no nothing, let me pack Emilio's diaper bag and we'll go to the park

I went in his room getting the diaper bag together when I got a message from Mattia saying he's going to go to the house later, I didn't say anything back since I was getting annoyed and walked back downstairs

Aliz-so Mattia?

Y/n-he texted saying he's coming over later, but idk at this point

Kairi-I'll call him if you want

Y/n-don't bother

I started to feel dizzy so I held onto the counter, they seen what happened and quickly came by my side

Alvaro-y/n you don't look so good

Y/n-I'm fine, I think I'll just stay here while you guys go to the park

Aliz-while I'm not leaving you here

Alejandro-yea. We'll stay here with you and help you take care of the baby

Roshaun-I'll text matter

Most of the day I stood in my room having a massive headache while I felt so dizzy I could barley open my eyes

I woke up and felt better than before but still woke up with a headache, I walked to the restroom when I heard Mattia's voice so I walk out my room hearing him argue with the boys

hehe hey

Teenage Parents | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now