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1 week later

Mattia and Kairi were out with the boys, they went to some party so Aliz and I were watching movies and eating pizza. It was already 12 so I took a shower and texted Mattia I was going to sleep, I didn't get a text back so I assumed he was as having fun wherever he was

I laid on the bed soon falling asleep

about 2 hours later Mattia and the boys got to the house smelling like beer, Mattia still had one in his hand.

They tried walking in quickly but they couldn't even walk straight, they walked in the kitchen finding the box of pizza

I woke up to hearing something fall from down stairs. I got up from bed and I walked out my room seeing Aliz walk out her with her eyes half closed

We both walked down stairs and turn d the kitchen light on seeing the boys eating

They looked at us in shock and Mattia walked up to me and all I could smell was the beer which made me feel nauseous

"Mattia you smell"
I said covering my nose and putting my hand on his chest

He kept trying to come hug me but the smell of alcohol was too much

"Mattia stop"
I said radio my voice

He walked closer tripping on the keys that fell on the floor and his hand hand it my stomach hard enough for me to feel the pain

I gripped onto the counter holding stomach since the pain was bad. Aliz realized what happened mad came by my side.

I nodded my head no

The boys soon realized what happened and went around me

Mattia yelled

Y/n-don't even touch me
I said walking to the door while Aliz was beside

She grabbed her phone calling someone and about 10 minutes later Chris ran out picking me up and putting me in his car

He drove as fast as he could to the hospital and they took me immediately to a room

An hour later
The doctor said the hit was pretty bad and it let me to stress out which went to the baby, the doctor said I could go home after he had everything settled 

Chris-Aliz let me take you home

Aliz-no the guys are all drunk and I don't wanna be there

Kairi-we drank a gallon of water before getting an Uber

they all walked in the room with their heads to the ground

Alejandro-we got a little to drunk we're sorry, we didn't mean to make so much noise

Chris-where's roshaun and Alvaro?

Kairi-they stood at the house

The doctor walked in and told me I could go home but I needed to be on beat rest and go to the hospital if I get the same pain again

After he left the room I got up from the bed, Mattia tried helping me but I moved my hand away from his and asked Chris to help me to the bathroom

I changed back into my regular clothes and walked out the bathroom

I held onto Chris and he walked me to the car as everyone else got in the back

We drove in silence but half way through Aliz was fighting with Kairi

We got home and I got out the car immediately going upstairs and laying on the bed

Mattia walked in shortly after and I heard him take his shoes off and try to get in bed

"you smell like beer, shower"
I mumbled

"are you mad at me?"
he asked

I said covering myself with my blanket and falling asleep

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